INR levels are very low!

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For the last 3 weeks my INR levels have been 1.4 then 1.3 and now 1.4....They have been adjusting my doseage of Coumadin but we cant seem to get it right. I go to my GYN Wednesday to see if Im going to have my ovaries and cysts removed from my ovaries. Since I have been on Coumadin I have developed numerous large cysts on my ovaries. I still feel the cysts and they are painful! I know I will have to have surgery and I know my Coumadin will have to be stopped but my GYN Dr said I will be in outpatient surgery center just overnight. He said they will stop my Coumadin a few days prior to surgery and I can administer the shots myself. This is a really scarey time sicne I cant take too much Coumadin to be in the 2s and 3s since when my levels are higher they cause me to bleed into my ovaries and form cysts.
Help...Advise please:confused:


Not much going on in VR today but maybe Al will see your post and reply. Don't worry too much..Maybe e-mail Al? Bonnie
Egad, if it's not one thing it's another

Egad, if it's not one thing it's another

I feel SO SORRY for you guys who have to fight the period/ovary thing on top of everything else. Perhaps we look for the little things that make life good, but I'm glad I'm past all of that - seems that it really complicates the lives of some of you guys.

I sure can't help you - just wanted to know that you have all of my sympathy and that I really feel for you. :(
Hi Alicia,

I don't know much about you, but I see that you have made a lot of posts -- I usually only look at Coumadin.

How long have you been on it?

What have you been doing that is different - taking pain medications etc.?

How often are they checking your INR - and changing warfarin doses?

Are you trying to get it regulated for now or go off it for surgery?

Are you going to use Lovenox around the time of surgery?

Fill me in and I'll try to help.
Hi Al and everyone else! I've been on Coumadin since my OHS Jan 6,2003...My levels fluctuate from week to week. I get checked weekly at my cardio's office since my levels have been causing so many problems. Since then I've developed cysts (3) each month and I bleed into the cysts and it causes extreme pain. They will put me on Lovenox for 2 days prior to surgery. They keep regulating my dose so I go from 5mg to 7.5mg nightly. I have been as high as 6.2 and I was spitting up blood and nosebleeds like crazy. Apparently I cant tolerate high INR levels. I have been taking Darvocet now and then for pain. I usually take no more than 2 a day when needed. If the pain is really bad I have to take more than 2 so I dont know if the pain meds are causing it. I will run that by my cardio when I see him this week.

I had a hysterectomy at 35 but they left my ovaries and now I wish they had of taken them! Oh well, life goes on....
If I were a betting person, I'd bet that after you get that pain taken care of, you will become more easy to regulate.
I agree and Im looking forward to a trip to my cardio once every month instead of every week! And to be pain free ahhhhhh.....
Cysts and Coumadin

Cysts and Coumadin

Just wanted to know if you developed the cysts on your overies after you started the coumadin or before. I have been taking coumadin since my OHS on March 13,2003 and have been feeling the same sort of pain in my lower stomache has I did when I had the cysts on my overies last May. I had it removed and went into congestion heart failure right after my surgery. I am getting worried because my INR is also going down in level in the last mnth. It was in the 2.2 to 3.4 range from March to May, now it is gone down today to 1.5. Do you think that the cysts and coumadin are related. Thanks


Alicia - I'm not sure you caught what Al said. I think he was telling you that Darvocet elevates your INR. I just got through a roller coaster INR, and darvocet was one of the culprits that was causing a high INR. Aleve was another, and even a continued regimen of Tylenol can cause some problems. The general problem with pain pills is that you take them as needed versus take them consistently so you can adjust coumadin accordingly. Hope this helps and that you get back to normal soon. Chris
I have seen one case where a high INR led to bleeding in the ovaries. However, she may have been bleeding first and then the warfarin just made it worse. Other than that, I do not think that there is a relationship between warfarin and ovarian cysts.
I dont think theres a relationship either between coumadin and ovarian problems. I developed the cysts after I started Coumadin.
I may have had them before the surgery. I didnt have any pain then in my abdomen so I dont know.

Latest as of today (June 14th) My GYN sent me to a GYN/Oncologist and she thinks the cysts are shrinking down and they are NOT cancerous so surgery is on hold until I have my next ultrasound on July 3rd and see if they are still shrinking (which means NO surgery).

I rarely take any pain pills now. The cramping has gotten much better and less frequent so thats good!
I'm Happy for You

I'm Happy for You

I'm really hoping that the cysts are shrinking. I did have a cysts removed 1 yr ago and it was no fun. Please keep us informed of your progress and I'm glad to hear that you don't think that the coumadin are related. I have been having some problems lately and I am waiting on tests to Diagnose these problems. Thanks for your reply.
FCarter, I hope you get some good news soon on what your waiting to hear about.

Do you recall how big your cysts got before they removed them? How long were you in the hospital? Were you on Coumadin then?
I know Im asking alot of questions, but I need to know from someone who has been there (like you).

Feel free to email me [email protected]
Thanks for your concern and everyones elses.
This Coumadin thing can get difficult.