INR level at 5.0

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
Madison, Georgia Go Dawgs!!
I went in to the coumadin clinic today, 1st time. I had been having a blood test done, ordered by my surgeon, each week. My dosage of Coumadin started at 7.5, last week my INR had gone up to 3.2 and I was told to half my dosage for 2 days, then back to normal dosage. Now today, 1 week later, INR is at 5.0, was told to skip dosage tonight, take 1/2 tomorrow, whole Sat, 1/2 Sun, whole Mon, and retest on Tue. Does this sound okay? I am still very new to this.

In my first 4 weeks, until I got stable, I kept 2 different doses of pills on hand to make it easier for adjustments and calculations.
You don't want to get into the pattern of a swinging INR from holding and halving doses.
(I bet you would end up being fine on 5 or 6mg per day).
Thanks for the advice. I am just a little unsure about holding doses completely. The Pharm D seemed to know what she was talking about, but I don't know her well enough to completely trust her.

What is your total weekly dose for the week? 7.5x7?

52.5 - 20%= 10.5 = 42mg

It should be 7.5 5 7.5 5 7.5 5 5 =42.5mg

You need to get 5's to work with.
If it were me, I'd take 5mg daily and no more for one full week and then retest. I think your going to find your a 35 to 40mg a week person, at least for a little while. As you start feeling better and getting more active, your going to need to increase the dose some.
Personally, I don't like the idea of Holding a Dose for an INR of 5.0 or Less.

I'd rather take half a dose and test in 4 to 7 days.
It may take a bit longer to get exactly where you want to go,
but it reduces the likelihood of INR 'swing'.
In other words, it's a conservative move in the right direction.

I have 2 different dose tablets, 1mg apart, which allows me to control my weekly dose over a 7mg range in 1mg increments taking only one tablet per day. I also spread them out symmetrically thorughout the week. This makes for a very small (1mg) change day to day and helps maintain a more stable INR.

I hear that several pharmacies now offer 30 day supplies (some pharmacies allow any dose, some are still just 5mg) for $4 (and some are offering 90 day supplies for $10).

'AL Capshaw'
This really is simple. If your too high like you are now, decrease the dose by 20% and retest in a week. If you'd of been 4.0 a 10% adjustment may have been all that is needed. Once your in the house, 5% tweaks now and then.
I would never hold for a 5.0. Actually, I never hold at all. I had a 6.9, held a day, tested 3-4 days later, dropped to 2.0.

My last 3 monthly tests were 3.9, 4.0, 4.9. My doctor sees the 4.9 as a fluke and he'll retest me next week when I have my annual check up. I figure it's related to my diet because I forgot to hit the produce section the last time I went to the grocery store! So I'm going to eat some green veggies and retest next week.