Inner Ear Problems

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
My daughter is having inner ear type problems with dizziness. She is going through the diagnostic testing phase. I noticed that quite a few of you have this problem. I was wondering how it was treated, did it help and what do you do to keep it on an even keel? She has a lot of stressors in her life including sleeplessness.

I have tried various meds for vertigo but they really didn't work. The two things that work best are some exercises (from my ENT) meant to move the fluid around in the inner ear and visits to my chiropractor.
Nancy, I got diagnosed with Meniers disease. I have naturally low blood pressure and if I jump up too quickly or bend over too quickly I may get dizzy (I am an enegetic personality:))
However, this was very different. It felt like someone had pulled away violently a board or platform you were standing on and you can't stop from falling as you are totally unbalanced. Then, when I was down, I would experience the worst nausea. I would still be unable to get up. After a while I would hear ringing (felt like someone was ringing or buzzing behind me) and when the ringing would stop, it was all over.

I have learned to recognize an attack coming on and I can prevent them from escalating. I only have a mild form of Menieres, meaning the attacks do not come on often as long as I follow diet restrictions, get proper sleep and deal with stress.

I do feel when I have sinus problems it gets a bit worse - my allergy and sinus problem go together. Again, diet restrictions are important for me, as is steam inhaltation and acupuncture to keep sinuses clear. I haven been told to use the Neti pot as well and many said it works super for sinus and allergies so I hope this will help me.
I also had two concussions (the last one 3 weeks post-op from my husband's surgery and I had to fight through it) so I had lots of episodes then, like two a day. Sometimes they would last up to 1/2 hour until I could function again, but then I was really, really sleep deprived and under prolonged stress. It has never been as bad again (knock on wood) as in those times.

All the episodes I had came on while standing, never in a sitting position so I am O.k. for driving a car.

Does this sound what your daughter has? I am wishing her all the best and hope she can find some relief!!
Forgot to mention for sleeplessness I am also getting acupuncture. I am already there for my knees so I might as well getting everything else treated:). Acupuncture and deep breathing exercises greatly improved my husband's sleep problems after his OHS however we both never had a perfect sleep anymore since my knee issues and his surgery. You can only do your best as neither of us wants to take meds for that. I can't tolerate the tiniest crumb of Melatonin or Valerian as it gives me terrible nightmares so the deep breathing when you wake up is the best remedy for me, as is thinking something positive.

I also wear ear plugs when swimming to control my ear problem. I really do not want to follow up with doctors right now (we all had enough of it) so the holistic approach is fine for now. I can manage. If it gets worse I will get a
2nd opinion (wasn't too impressed with the first ear doctor).

The main trigger for me is a combination of sleep deprivation and stress and so far I haven't found the perfect solution yet but am working on it. Again, wishing your daughter the best!!

I certainly sympathize, but I've never had a doctor do more than tell me he suspected inner-ear problems, and say there isn't much to do about them. I've always been too busy dealing with other medical issues to try to find some specialist. However, I will say it has helped me to know that the inner ear is the probable cause of occasional dizziness -- helps me to relax and get over episodes much faster. Used to panic, which made everything worse.

Sure hope your daughter gets answers and help.
Labrynthitis (sp?) was what my Doc was involved a blood test...we never got into treatment because it turned out I had low blood pressure.

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