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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2011
Sioux City, Iowa.
Ever since I started getting short of breath I was prescribed one that helps, my family doctor knows my situation so I don't think he'd prescribe it if it could be harmful, but wanted to know your opinions about using it pre and post op?

As the others have said, no problem. Infact my GP was treating me for asthma with inhalers and prednisone , he was not thinking heart. This went on for a couple years until other issues came about, long story so don't want to get into it right now.
Relax and inhale....:)
I was very short of breath before surgery, but it was due to my valve failing. After that, I was fine until about a year ago, when I noticed I was getting short of breath again. My valve's fine, so that's not an issue, but I did tell my cardio that I have felt as if my lungs never fully recovered from surgery. We did a PFT, which showed "mild obstructive lung disease," but we didn't follow up on it until this past December when I got really bad bronchitis and saw my GP, who put me on an inhaler. She wants to run another PFT to determine if I do indeed have asthma before putting me back on an inhaler/switching meds.