Worried about getting a cut and bleeding out if he doesn't notice (he's a contractor).
I don't want to hijack this thread, but I'd like to quickly interject to point out that coumadin increases the time required to form thrombin, which is a part of the clotting process. It doesn't make you blind or stupid! :biggrin2: If you were to bleed so profusely that you were approaching fatal loss of blood, (I presume that is what 'bleeding out' is?), you'd notice!
More importantly, I can offer the assurance to your dad, as a guy who makes his living with things that cut, slash, burn and bruise me regularly, that he won't notice a huge difference once he's anticoagulated. I find that I seem to bleed a little longer from the daily cuts, I bruise a little more easily, and a little more spectacularly, and, though I'm not sure why, scabs seem to take a little longer to form, and might even stick around longer. (I'm not positive about that last bit, but it is definitely my impression). I'm also an active guy, though 20 years younger, and coumadin doesn't stop me from doing anything at all.
I can't help offer much on the noise thing, except that I rarely hear mine anymore. over the 30+ months it has just faded away.
End hijack!