In remembrance of Alain Cribier

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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2019
for anyone who didn't click that link (or is yet to) he is credited as being the creator of the TAV (of which I was unaware).

Alain Cribier exemplified the best of what it means to be a doctor, striving continually to develop techniques and methods that would improve the lives of his patients. It was this commitment to his patients – which he never lost sight of – that led him to create the transcatheter aortic valve, successfully implanting the first one in a human with Helene Eltchaninoff more than 20 years ago and thus ushering in with this first TAVI a revolution in the less invasive treatment of valvular diseases. Before his groundbreaking work, the millions suffering from calcified aortic stenosis could only be treated by a heavy surgical procedure, leaving the vast and frail majority condemned to a limited life and life expectancy. Today, the results of his work can be seen in the thousands of cath labs worldwide and count more than several million patients successfully treated who otherwise would have continued to face diminished lives.