Thank-you everyone for all your input and knowledge that you give throughout this forum, you’ve taught me well.
I’m rather flustered right now, so I’ll try to make this short (lol) and straight to the point, although there are many points to cover.
Had an echo done last May and finally saw my Cardio today (I know that’s a long time, but sometimes that’s how it works here in Canada) and he dropped a bombshell on me.
He asked me what happened on July 22 and Dec 3 of last year……..
Last year, July 22/09, (there might be a thread on this) I was experiencing numbness on the right side of my face after having a “room spin” dizzy spell. Went to the ER, had a MRI done which came back negative. After explaining this “day” to my Cardio, he said, “that’s a classic sign of a TIA, you’re going on 81mg of Baby Aspirin”. Needless to say I was shocked, (I’ve been fine ever since, no other eposide). I did explain that during that time I was having problems with my INR and staying in range.
Dec. 3, INR came back at 1.2, (there’s a thread on this one) everyone here told me to get down to the ER and get some heparin. Which I did or should I say, tried to do. I remember Bina telling me to bring a toothbrush. lol
After telling my Cardio what had happened in the ER on Dec. 3rd, and how they (ER Doctors) refused to treat me, he was livid saying, “it’s pretty bad when the patient knows more than the doctors”, he was even more livid to learn that the ER doctors wouldn’t over-ride what my GP/resident said – which was they didn’t think I needed any heparin that I would be fine. I left the ER in tears that evening. My Cardio was ready to write a letter for me in case this was to ever happen again, he was really upset that I wasn’t treated. He gave me some suggestions to do in case this is to happen again. Lets hope it doesn’t. Oh yea, not the least concern about the swelling in my legs…….maybe I’ve been over reacting?
Basically I just wanted to say thank-you, thank-you for teaching others and myself the in’s and out’s of OHS. You guys/gals are the best.
On a lighter note, even though my Cardio was 45 minutes behind in his appointments, he took the time to make me a copy of my angiogram images/video that was taken before surgery. Even my son thinks it’s neat (it is pretty cool).
Merry Christmas Everyone and thank-you
Take Care
I’m rather flustered right now, so I’ll try to make this short (lol) and straight to the point, although there are many points to cover.
Had an echo done last May and finally saw my Cardio today (I know that’s a long time, but sometimes that’s how it works here in Canada) and he dropped a bombshell on me.
He asked me what happened on July 22 and Dec 3 of last year……..
Last year, July 22/09, (there might be a thread on this) I was experiencing numbness on the right side of my face after having a “room spin” dizzy spell. Went to the ER, had a MRI done which came back negative. After explaining this “day” to my Cardio, he said, “that’s a classic sign of a TIA, you’re going on 81mg of Baby Aspirin”. Needless to say I was shocked, (I’ve been fine ever since, no other eposide). I did explain that during that time I was having problems with my INR and staying in range.
Dec. 3, INR came back at 1.2, (there’s a thread on this one) everyone here told me to get down to the ER and get some heparin. Which I did or should I say, tried to do. I remember Bina telling me to bring a toothbrush. lol
After telling my Cardio what had happened in the ER on Dec. 3rd, and how they (ER Doctors) refused to treat me, he was livid saying, “it’s pretty bad when the patient knows more than the doctors”, he was even more livid to learn that the ER doctors wouldn’t over-ride what my GP/resident said – which was they didn’t think I needed any heparin that I would be fine. I left the ER in tears that evening. My Cardio was ready to write a letter for me in case this was to ever happen again, he was really upset that I wasn’t treated. He gave me some suggestions to do in case this is to happen again. Lets hope it doesn’t. Oh yea, not the least concern about the swelling in my legs…….maybe I’ve been over reacting?
Basically I just wanted to say thank-you, thank-you for teaching others and myself the in’s and out’s of OHS. You guys/gals are the best.
On a lighter note, even though my Cardio was 45 minutes behind in his appointments, he took the time to make me a copy of my angiogram images/video that was taken before surgery. Even my son thinks it’s neat (it is pretty cool).
Merry Christmas Everyone and thank-you
Take Care