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Freddie Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
Thank-you everyone for all your input and knowledge that you give throughout this forum, you’ve taught me well.

I’m rather flustered right now, so I’ll try to make this short (lol) and straight to the point, although there are many points to cover.

Had an echo done last May and finally saw my Cardio today (I know that’s a long time, but sometimes that’s how it works here in Canada) and he dropped a bombshell on me.

He asked me what happened on July 22 and Dec 3 of last year……..

Last year, July 22/09, (there might be a thread on this) I was experiencing numbness on the right side of my face after having a “room spin” dizzy spell. Went to the ER, had a MRI done which came back negative. After explaining this “day” to my Cardio, he said, “that’s a classic sign of a TIA, you’re going on 81mg of Baby Aspirin”. Needless to say I was shocked, (I’ve been fine ever since, no other eposide). I did explain that during that time I was having problems with my INR and staying in range.

Dec. 3, INR came back at 1.2, (there’s a thread on this one) everyone here told me to get down to the ER and get some heparin. Which I did or should I say, tried to do. I remember Bina telling me to bring a toothbrush. lol

After telling my Cardio what had happened in the ER on Dec. 3rd, and how they (ER Doctors) refused to treat me, he was livid saying, “it’s pretty bad when the patient knows more than the doctors”, he was even more livid to learn that the ER doctors wouldn’t over-ride what my GP/resident said – which was they didn’t think I needed any heparin that I would be fine. I left the ER in tears that evening. My Cardio was ready to write a letter for me in case this was to ever happen again, he was really upset that I wasn’t treated. He gave me some suggestions to do in case this is to happen again. Lets hope it doesn’t. Oh yea, not the least concern about the swelling in my legs…….maybe I’ve been over reacting?

Basically I just wanted to say thank-you, thank-you for teaching others and myself the in’s and out’s of OHS. You guys/gals are the best.

On a lighter note, even though my Cardio was 45 minutes behind in his appointments, he took the time to make me a copy of my angiogram images/video that was taken before surgery. Even my son thinks it’s neat (it is pretty cool).

Merry Christmas Everyone and thank-you
Take Care
We all love you here !!!! Freddie. You are my friend , to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2: Lets make a toast !!.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. :) Thank you for being here. :)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!
Thanks Nelson not to sure about the marriage vows though:)

It's been a few hours now, and the reality of having a TIA and having to take another pill is ever so slowly sinking in, but denial and anger is taking a bigger hold on me. Not to mention BP may become a problem.
Freddie I am so sorry everything happend like it did and the fact it took MONTHS to be able to discuss it. I would be furious too. I'm curious, when you go to the ER w/ something that might be heart related, don't they contact your cardiologist? or at least send copies of the report to him?
I don't know if this would help get you beeter care IF (hopefully never) you have a problem that you need to go to the ER for, but would it be possible for you (or family/friend) to call your cardiologist before you leave for the ER? I don't know how far your cardiologist is from you, but does he practice at the ER you go to? We rarely take Justin to the ER, unless it is in the middle of the night or weekend when his doctors don't have office hours (which usually is when Justin has a problem) IF at all possible we go to his doctor but if they don't have hours, we call them anyway and let then Know Justin is having a problem and needs seen, sometimes they tell us to go to the ER, (since he can get testing done there) and IF it is where they practice, either the cardiologist or one of their residents/fellows meet us there. IF it is a ER they don't practice, they call the ER and ask them to keep in touch with them.
IF he isn't admitted, but something heart related, they usually have him come in to get checked in a couple days.

I'm glad you are a member here too :)
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Morning Lyn, my cardio does practice only at the hospital/ER, (about 20minutes away) he has no clinic and see's patients once a week at the hospital- hence the reason for the long waiting time. Yes they do send copies to him, that's why he asked me why I was at the ER on those to dates. It was at that point he look for the report(s) and was dumbfounded.(much like me on that day) That evening when I went to the ER, my cardio was on call (I saw his name on the board) but he wasn't in the hospital at that time and they (ER Staff) felt no need to call him since my GP/Clinic said they didn't feel it was necessary/appropriate to have heparin. Confusing I know. A simple everyday clinic has more power than a ER?? Give me a break.

My cardio has told me to call the switchboard at the hospital, "kick and scream until you get a hold of me" was his words.
This morning I've put in a call to his secretary, (she's never in the office) had to leave a voice mail in regards of the letter he offered to do. Wonder how long THAT"S going to take??? I'll phone everyday if I have to and make another appointment at the same time.

Sorry for rambling
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I hear your frustration loud and clear, my friend! I remember a time when my long-time cardiologist would see me without appointments and treat me for anything that ailed me. I was NEVER told by his staff that if my symptoms were too bad, for me to go to the ER, like they do now!! In fact, had they done that, I know he would have taken disciplinary actions on them!!!

The doctors in my hometown, have too many patients; they're too busy; they shove you off to one of their associates or their RN's! They don't have the time to sit and listen to you. What a shame! ...and now I'm rambling!

I hope you get some answers soon, dear friend! Hang in there!
I hear your frustration loud and clear, my friend! I remember a time when my long-time cardiologist would see me without appointments and treat me for anything that ailed me. I was NEVER told by his staff that if my symptoms were too bad, for me to go to the ER, like they do now!! In fact, had they done that, I know he would have taken disciplinary actions on them!!!

The doctors in my hometown, have too many patients; they're too busy; they shove you off to one of their associates or their RN's! They don't have the time to sit and listen to you. What a shame! ...and now I'm rambling!

I hope you get some answers soon, dear friend! Hang in there!

.....Freddie, this is how frightening my doctors are here:

When I went to see the new cardio to get my Echo results just last month, and he stressed how important it was for me to consider that 4th OHS:

He says to me, "well, I'm sure you're aware that surgeons have been very successful with percutaneous valves and that perhaps you could be a candidate for that type of surgery??"" I look at my husband in bewilderment and I reply, "but doctor, I have a mechanical valve in the mitral position!" :rolleyes2: Man, you should have seen him backpaddle on that one!!! He didn't know what to say!!!

So, that means only one thing to me, he had not even taken the time to read my chart or any of my past medical history!!! Do I have a reason to fear these idiots??? :mad2:
freddie i am totally with you and thankful for the support and knowledge that everyone on this site gives!

im am sorry for what happened to you. too many stories of hospitals/doctors not knowing or doing the right thing to do. it's mind boggling. i have a friend that had ohs and a porcine valve put in. about a year later she went to the hospital and was told she had a TIA after having the same numbness/dizzy spell you had. she was sad to learn that but thankfully it has been years and she never had another one and is doing great! so i am sure you will be awesome too!
Freddie we are all here to support you.
It’s very poor that no one was concerned about your INR of 1.2, if this doesn’t cause concern, what level does??

As for the fool that suggested a percutaneous valve because he couldn’t be bothered reading your file, I trust he was just as lazy and didn’t bother sending a bill for his time.
We all love you here !!!! Freddie. You are my friend , to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2: Lets make a toast !!.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. :) Thank you for being here. :)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!

I want to be in the wedding party.
A wedding...????????? we really could use some fun around here !!!!

Anyway, Freddie: Usually when an echo is done and the doc is in no rush to see you afterwards and only books you
in for months later, it's because the echo was fine and he is busy with higher risk patients. BUT, in this case, maybe
your GP has something to do with your lack of receiving a call back from somebody higher up like your cardio. We all
know about your GP being on a bit of a power trip even when she obviously screws up your INR and lacks knowledge
in that area.
Try to keep track of things yourself, make lots of notes and reminders, and don't give up. :)
Again, thanks for the support.

It's almost at the end of the working day and no phone call from the cardio's office - I'll be phoning again shortly. Gotta make damn sure I get that letter.

Yes indeed, I'll be staying on top of things. If anything, I learned from yesterdays appointment is that I will be calling my cardio before I ever leave for the ER.

I've have also learned that my cardio is the head honcho of the cardiologists - no wonder he was livid after hearing about my experiences.

One still has to wonder why I wasn't put on aspirin right from day one. But one can't worry about the past right?
Here's to looking forward towards the future......and aspirin.

Cheers to all
Again, thanks for the support.

It's almost at the end of the working day and no phone call from the cardio's office - I'll be phoning again shortly. Gotta make damn sure I get that letter.

Yes indeed, I'll be staying on top of things. If anything, I learned from yesterdays appointment is that I will be calling my cardio before I ever leave for the ER.

I've have also learned that my cardio is the head honcho of the cardiologists - no wonder he was livid after hearing about my experiences.

One still has to wonder why I wasn't put on aspirin right from day one. But one can't worry about the past right?
Here's to looking forward towards the future......and aspirin.

Cheers to all

....or you tell them that your mom will come and kick their butt!!!!

Hang in there! Love ya Fred!
....or you tell them that your mom will come and kick their butt!!!!

Hang in there! Love ya Fred!

:thumbup: Now that's that Norma I know :biggrin2:

I've talked to my cardio's secretary (yippee) and promised me that letter would be out by the end of the week. She too was horrified but not surprised about my two experiences at the ER. She was very understanding and helpful. She told me about the "Patient Advocate" there at the hospital and along with my letter, she is going to make a condense medical record for me so I can show those ER personals who is really in charge.
The secretary told me a story how she needed my cardio's help in the ER with a friend. Apparently when he walked into the examining room and raised his voice, things got done and ppl listened.

I guess he's not a force to be reckon with.
I hope I never have to use his authority to get looked at but at least I now know he's on my side. :thumbup:

Now lets have that wedding!
Freddie we are all here to support you.
It’s very poor that no one was concerned about your INR of 1.2, if this doesn’t cause concern, what level does??

As for the fool that suggested a percutaneous valve because he couldn’t be bothered reading your file, I trust he was just as lazy and didn’t bother sending a bill for his time.

Oh yeah right, OME! I bet his bill beat me to the door!

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