I'm wondering if I have an infection....

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..on my cath area.

It's swollen about five inches long and 'raised' about three quarters of an inch.

Seems like it's getting more so though ever so gradually.

No itching or pain just feels puffy.

Has anyone spared better?

THX & God Bless
Recalling back to my cath, my upper leg/thigh looked like I had taking a bad fall or in lack of nicer thoughts........a real bad beating. This was prior to my MVR so there was no heparin/coumain overlap going on. Just the force of the procedure.

Since you have had valve replacement.... I would have your MD take a look at it. You don't want to risk an infection.

Take care
Hi Cruiser,

I agree with Gina..if you are at all concerned..check with your Doc.

Does the area seems inflamed/red/warm to touch??? Do you have ANY (even low grade) fever???? I had brusing but no increased puffiness. Best to check it out to avoid any additional problems!

Zipper/Joan:cool: (the California signature...LOL!)
I agree that you should see the doctor. Infection is nothing you want to have fester at any of your surgical sites. It's always better to be safe and let the experts assess it.


Does the entry area feel warm, along with being raised and swollen, then it could mean an infection.

This is probably not your first cath, so there could be scar tissue from previous cath, my 3rd one ached quite a bit, even during the procedure.

I agree with the rest, when in doubt get it checked out,

I had a good sized welt, about 3"x2" and 1/2" high, just above the cath site. Like you, no tenderness, heat, or itching. Checked with the doctor who said it was the result of blood leakage but deep enough that there was no discoloration. Took about a month to dissipate.

Hope yours is equally benign, but I'd check it out.

-- roy --
Get it checked out.
I never had a problem with mine but my wife did this past summer.
It was from some blood leakage after the cath.
i'm so sorry you have to go through this, but as everyone else has said, please be on the safe side and get it checked out.
the worst that could happen is that it is not infected and they send you home, right?
hoping you feel better and please let us know what happens.