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Hello All,

I'm looking at Aortic Valve replacement the second week of August at The Arizona Heart Institute by Dr. Gazhoul. He seems very knowledgable and has been doing OHS for 26 years. Since I'm 55 years young I'm going with a mechanical valve. So far my spirits are good but I know as the day draws near my confidence and self assuredness is surely going to decline. Expect to see me banging around here and reading as much of these posts as I can. My current fears are pain and becoming an invalid. Though I know thw pain will be tolerable and the chance of invalidity (physical or otherwise:p ) will be slim, I just had to say them. There1 I done did it. Thanks for this outlet.
Welcome Finn! Did you mean August? Lots of info and support to be found here. Since you are going mechanical, you would also want to take a look at the website of one of our members, Al Lodwick. www.warfarinfo.com
Welcome to the forum Finn

Believe it or not, the pain is not that bad. Sure it hurts, but nothing like your imagining right now. Unless things go really really sour during your surgery, you aren't going to be an invalid in anyway, shape, or form, just a ticker. Read around and ask questions to your hearts content. Learn all you can about Coumadin because I'm sure you've heard a complete bunch of rubish from a lot of people including those treating you.
Hi, Finn! Of course you're scared; but I think you might not get any worse later. I think a certain acceptance comes with knowledge. And of course the alternative is so much worse that you just kindof make it through.

Take it from a pain wimp - it's not nearly as bad as other surgeries. Further, you're given good meds in the hospital so post-surgical pain isn't much of an issue, in general. They want you up and walking and deep breathing asap, therefore make sure you're able to do so.

The other pain is manageable - you use a pillow to hold against your chest if you cough or :)eek: ) sneeze. You do NOT exceed your lifting limit. If you follow orders you'll get through fine.

The thing I found very odd was that there's no internal pain - your heart doesn't hurt. And the incision isn't bad at all - you don't have the sensation that everything's going to fall out like you have with abdominal surgery. Yes, there're bone aches and pinches and odd twinges; but not bad.

The long recovery you read about here isn't about pain; it's about being incapable of doing things mostly due to extreme exhaustion. So you sleep. I can live with that!

Enjoy yourself between now and surgery and do some neat stuff - you'll be pretty limited for a while afterward.
Hi Finn

Hi Finn

Welcome to this site and a very supportive community. Good for you for voicing your worst fears, we all have them. My worst fear also was about becoming an invalid. I'm 2 weeks post-op, and definitely an invalid at the moment, but it is very exciting getting stronger every day, as opposed to before surgery when I felt like I was getting weaker every day (more short of breath, etc.). Looking forward to hearing more from you and sending you prayers/positive thoughts during your surgery.

Take care,
Hi Finn

Hi Finn

I'm only 3 weeks post op with a mechanical. I know what your going through. Believe me, your mind is making the worst case scenario for you. I even started to cry when they wheeled me into surgery. Wouldn't admit that to just anyone. Its not the most pleasant thing in the world but it is not near as bad as your mind can conger.
dkapuscik said:
I'm only 3 weeks post op with a mechanical. I know what your going through. Believe me, your mind is making the worst case scenario for you. I even started to cry when they wheeled me into surgery. Wouldn't admit that to just anyone. Its not the most pleasant thing in the world but it is not near as bad as your mind can conger.

Gosh, I'm so sorry that you had your saddness come up on you like that. It is no fun going under with fears or saddness. I felt my fear well up in me as they wheeled me away from my family, but I instantly fixated on the deep color green of an exit sign and tried to find something pleasant to smell or hear in order to kick some other senses in and banish the fear. It can be done. Then, I guess I just had the greatest anesthesiologist ever....he was telling me all kinds of cow jokes ( I got a bovine) going in, and I was laughing! His voice was so deep and reassuring. I know it's a serious thing. But for me, I just had to let go of that and be constantly positive. It was work, but for me it was just kind of essential.

Finn. The pain should be manageable. Honest. It's more an uncomfortable feeling and not knowing how much you can twist and turn and pull yourself up (hardly any the first few days....as in .....ask for help!!) The invalid part is just frustrating. You honestly can't even open a pill container!! But that only lasts afew days. You just have to let someone else do stuff for you (personal hygeine is NOT one of those things.....once out of the hospital, you should be fine to do everything but scrub your own back).

Keep asking questions. We've got tons of answers!!

Welcome aboard!

:) Marguerite
Welcome, Finn. There's a wealth of information here and unbelievable support. Keep reading and keep asking. You've come to the right place and I hope that you feel the sense of calm that overcomes so many of our members just before surgery. Let us know your date and we will put you on the calendar.

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