I'm Home !!!!!

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Hey everybody!! The Dr's desided to let me loose!:) Went in on Sunday 02/12, had the AVR on 02/13, SICU untill 02/21, and finaly on the surgical floor for two days and was SPRUNG :cool: on 02/23/2006.

The Dr's had a hard time weaning me off the ventalator. I'm still on O-2 @ home and my lungs are starting to expand again. (That's what 30+ years of smoking will do to ya :( ).

Haley, I'm still looking for that braclet you are making for me, thanks again.

That's it for now gang.

God bless


Welcome home - it's a great feeling, isn't it? Glad to hear you are doing better and hope the O2 is temporary.

Guess you can change your avatar tag to post-surgery.;) ;) :D What a victory. Congratulations.
Welcome Home!

Welcome Home!

Good to hear you're home! Now don't try smoking with that oxygen! All the best, Brian:D
Marty, great news! Welcome to the other side of the mountain, isn't it great! You may not think so yet, but you will. Take it easy and rest, sleep, walk and breathe and eat when you can.
I'm glad you're home. After surgery, I kept thinking I was so glad I quit smoking years ago.
I hope you continue to make great progress and a full recovery.:)
So glad you're home and away from the noisy, nasty, needle-laden, bad-food hospital. Keep using that spirometer, and walk and nap. And take your pain meds if you need them - no heroics!

Good to hear from you.

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