Another Update
Another Update
Hello again, Good news and bad news...My sister is now out of the hospital and doing well. A bit groggy and sore but glad to be home and have it done with. Still no word on the results. But will post as soon as I know.
On the other hand, How does that saying go!?! When it rains, IT POURS. Well, it certainly is pouring on us. My 20 year old cat will be put to sleep tomorrow morning. She's gotten very sick in the past week so the vet will come tomorrow and put her down. As you all know I'm only 20 so I cannot remember life without my cat, Spunky. For all of you who know my AOL screenname has her name in it. Things are tough right now, and I always thought I was so strong but I don't feel so strong anymore. It's weird that when stuff happens to you, You can deal with it and you know you will deal with any of the consequences that goes along with it but when it's someone else and it's totally out of your control and you won't be satisfied with whatever life deals you. It's so different not being the "patient" and it's not as easy at it seems. I don't think I'm making a lot of sense but I think some of you probably know what I mean. Well, I'm going to go for now. Hope everyone is well and I'll keep you all posted. Thanks for all the well wishes. Take Care!