Idiot of the week

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Blow the flame out BEFORE you drink the shot!

OMG. If he's that stupid you kinda gotta feel sorry for him!!!!


Can you share the link to that one? My kids would go bonkers over it.

hm well, Ross i was hoping for an external link that wasn't in This is my private place ;)

You can You Tube search for "drinking shot on fire" and watch some more funny stuff but I don't see this quality one. Also some pompous guy who shows you how to drink one without catching yourself on fire. He uses a straw!

That makes my eyes water just watching ! Ouch ! I've a classic video of my nephew laid out on his back, legs in the air with his ass serving as a launching station for a firework rocket ! Needless to say it went painfully wrong, all the wrong bits clenched up, the rocket refused to take off and he ended up in casualty ! Oh and it wasn't me standing there shooting the video, it was his mate, laughing far too much to be of any help !!
When I was in high school one of the kids did that trick where you put gas or something in your mouth and spit it across a match....he ended up with awful scarring 3rd degree burns all over his bottom of his face, neck and upper chest and had to have alot of surgery so he could just move his nekck it was awful.
I've got to wonder if this wasn't partially on purpose and if it wasn't really alcohol in the shot glass. Like Lyn, I once knew an idiot who did this on purpose with something like kerosene. He, and most college idiots, thought it was a great party trick. Fortunately, last I heard he hadn't been seriously burned, but that was almost 25 years ago. Most drinking ethanol (20 proof +) will burn for a few seconds, but it takes 100 proof to really sustain a flame.

Perfect, Ross, thank you. My kids are all 20-somethings and out there bar-hopping like most young folks. I hate to insult their intelligence by showing them this, but geez, you just never know!!!! I mean we used to love a good Spanish Coffee which comes flaming to the table, but we always WAIT for the flames to go out. Even at dessert, some restaurants bring creme brulee with a flame on it, but they always tell you to wait for the flame to go out. duh!!

My husband thinks this man could have easily been horribly injured if any of that flame went down his throat or somehow reached any internal organs?? I don't know about that. Certainly some facial burns of some kind. If you watch carefully you can see that he spills some of the drink on his neck as he is first drinking it. So then he is on fire on his neck and then I guess it goes back into his mouth. Eeeeeeuuuuuuuouch!!!

Thanks, Marguerite
Does this fall under the stupid human trick dept? I'll notify the idiot response team.
I've got to wonder if this wasn't partially on purpose and if it wasn't really alcohol in the shot glass. Like Lyn, I once knew an idiot who did this on purpose with something like kerosene. He, and most college idiots, thought it was a great party trick. Fortunately, last I heard he hadn't been seriously burned, but that was almost 25 years ago. Most drinking ethanol (20 proof +) will burn for a few seconds, but it takes 100 proof to really sustain a flame.

Oh I don't doubt it's authenticity. I've watched idiots do things like that on dares.

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