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While I have "given back" in terms of giving money, etc., I want to do something a bit different to "raise awareness" and get others involved, too. So, I've thought about doing a Saturday "marathon" radio show in November and/or December (could do Christmas music then), in part as a fundraising effort.

To do this ... I'll need some companies to help sponsor the show ... and ideas on how to raise money. I have a few already, but could always use more....

Some of the causes I've thought about donating to include:
Chicago's Children's Memorial Hospital
Adult Conginetal Heart Association,
The Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Quilt Project, Inc.,
Saving Little Hearts,

...among others, including several boards such as,,, etc.

The show will, of course, be similar to my shows the past couple Aprils:
(and) of which can be heard here:

Thoughts? Suggestions?

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"We never stop to think what we consume" ... Bellamy Brothers ... 'Kids Of The Baby Boom'
Here are a few thoughts and speaking from experience.
You could have B-B-Q Bash. Local butchers could supply all the fixings you need. With this you could have a silent action plus a 50/50 draw. Tickets could be $25.00ea. Pop was free with a $ donation, and the bar paid for its self. The hall was donated and we had over 500 people
We did this for my nieces husband in July who has leukemia and raise over $3,500. The 50/50 draw was over $1000.00 That was a $500.00 win, but it went back into the funds. as I write he is now in Seattle receiving a bone marrow transplant.
Good Luck with this brilliant idea.
Hey Freddie,

That IS a cool idea ... but not too sure that'd work well for radio ... he he.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"Are we having fun yet?" ... Nickelback ... 'This Is How You Remind Me'
Will the companies that are sponsoring the show donate merchandise/services? If so, these can be auctioned to the highest bidder
also, some companies may be willling to donate merchandse/services /coupons for the auction in exchange of mentioning their names...certificates for local restaurants, memberships for health clubs, cerficates for spas. discounts for golf courses, hotels, flower shops, gift tickets for movies, coupons for pizzerias, renting films, books, etc
Good luck and keep us posted
Freddie said:
Hey Cort, you could broadcast live at the event

Ohhhhhhhhhhh!! He he ... I like that idea ... not sure, though, if the radio station would be equipped for something like that.... I'll have to check into it ;).

maka said:
Will the companies that are sponsoring the show donate merchandise/services?

I'm not sure ... yet. Need to find companies to sponsor it first. Then, go from there. But, no ... that had not been in my original "thought process". Though, that certainly is an intriguing idea. I hope to be able to speak with my contact at the radio station sometime next week. We'll see....


Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"Money can't buy happiness" ... Don Williams ... 'One Good Well'
Tentatively, the Saturday "marathon" show (including some Christmas music) may be December 15 and/or December 22. I plan to contact companies in the coming weeks to ask about donations to be raffled. Also, may have people bid on songs to dedicate to special people ... among a few other ideas I have.

If you know of any companies that would be interested in getting some recognition and helping to raise money for various causes, please advise me via " wrmnshowcase @ ".

Along with the causes I mentioned already, might also earmark some proceeds for those families suffering from the recent wildfires in California, as well as those still negatively impacted by the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"Never settle for the path of least resistance" ... Lee Ann Womack ... 'I Hope You Dance'
knightfan2691 said:
Tentatively, the Saturday "marathon" show (including some Christmas music) may be December 15 and/or December 22. I plan to contact companies in the coming weeks to ask about donations to be raffled. Also, may have people bid on songs to dedicate to special people ... among a few other ideas I have.

If you know of any companies that would be interested in getting some recognition and helping to raise money for various causes, please advise me via " wrmnshowcase @ ".

Along with the causes I mentioned already, might also earmark some proceeds for those families suffering from the recent wildfires in California, as well as those still negatively impacted by the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Let us know when you have more or less a final plan and what kind of companies you are looking for donations.....also do the companies need to be ?local?? And if not, do you have in place the logistics as to how prizes will be delivered? directly to you, the station?
As to the causes, don?t you think it may be better to choose just one charity rather than multi? The donation may bring more and a make a bigger difference to one charity and people can identify better with a cause rather than being all over....just a suggestion. ...hope you don?t mind
maka said:
Let us know when you have more or less a final plan and what kind of companies you are looking for donations.....also do the companies need to be ?local??

Nope. Since the radio show will be online like it has been the past couple Aprils, companies can be from virtually anywhere....

As for "kind" ... any kind that wants to help in this project.

maka said:
And if not, do you have in place the logistics as to how prizes will be delivered? directly to you, the station?

Depending on the type of prizes, they'd be sent directly to the winner ... not to me or the station.

maka said:
As to the causes, don?t you think it may be better to choose just one charity rather than multi? The donation may bring more and a make a bigger difference to one charity and people can identify better with a cause rather than being all over....just a suggestion. ...hope you don?t mind

No, I don't mind.

And, yes, I've thought about that ... but, I don't want to do that. I want to "spread the wealth". I know from previous experiences that even the LITTLEST donation helps. Thus, I want to have a variety of causes ... so people can have a choice ... and not feel "stuck" with one or two different ones....

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"The journey's been etched on your skin" ... James Blunt ... '1973'