If your phone still works upstairs without power then it means you are still getting a phone signal through their line to the one downstairs. The problem you have is a handheld will not work without a power connection. You might want to get an inexpensive phone (non-powered), find the wall jack where the telephone line comes into the room and, with a multi-connector; you would then have a phone that would work in the room even without power.
As for the computer. Guess you've got this downstairs too. Computers, just like those "new fangled" cordless phones, need power too. The danger of generators is proper hook-up. We lost a couple of homes down in FL due to fires caused by generators. People also don't understand the principals of generators. All they are alternative sources of electrical power. A professional can wire in a generator (like your neighbor's) that can power the entire house. But it has to be wired right. When the external power is off, you can't just plug something from your generator to your house. This would energize the line going away from your home too. Anyone working on the power line even several miles from your home would run the risk of receiving a shock.
The portable generators that you see at Wal-Mart, Home Depot, etc. (Bet you couldn't find one within 100 miles right now) are designed to be taken home, placed outside away from the house in a well ventilated area. After filling with gas (it?s usually only a larger engine than your lawn mower) and starting, you plug an extension cord that is then connected to the appliance (in this case the computer) and you are suddenly back on-line. You can also plug in a lamp and other small appliance but their power needs can?t exceed the output of the generator. You could also use it to power your refrigerator but unless you bought a high output one you would have to run one or the other, not both.
Of course you could go all out and buy a lap top. As long as the internal battery is charged up when the power goes out you would be able to operate for a couple of hours by candlelight. Some lap tops have longer life than others.
Hope I haven?t overwhelmed you with ?information?. My paw-in-law?s eyes glaze over when I try to explain these ?new fangled? gadgets. He still has an old rotary dial phone they use in the kitchen.
Stay warm and dry. We had ice down here in mid GA too, but the trees seem to have held up fairly good.