Ians surgery

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
Victoria, BC, Canada
We have just seen Ian... he was sitting up slightly in bed his colour was good his air tube was out and he was chatty.
He was a bit thirsty so the nurse gave him some ice chips ..he said "he never though an ice chip could taste soooo good". He felt a heavyness on his chest and a bit of pain ( About a 7) but the nurse said it was all the tubing and gave him a bit more pain med...he felt better within seconds and slowly drifted in and out of sleep.
I can rest a bit easier now that I know he is OK and will be well looked after by the hospital nurses/doctors
Talk to you soon....Rose
Thanks for taking the time to post, Rose. Sleep well tonight and I hope you will find him sitting in a chair in the morning.
Rose, Thanks! Sounds like he'll be ready to go sailing in May or June! Brian
Ahhhh, yes, I remember those blessed ice chips only too well! :)

May Ian continue to do well & I hope that he will be able to go home soon. Please tell him that we are all waiting to hear from him when he is strong enough to post.

Take care! :)
So happy everything is going good with Ian.His surgery is similar to what I am facing next month.Hope he continues to improve and is home in a few days.Give him my best wishes.Jim