Ian's first day of kindergarten

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Yes, it is that time of year, where all the kids go to school. He is in afternoon kindergarten. I dropped him off at 12:45, and when I picked him up, his teacher asked me if hi had a belt because he kept losing his pants every time he stood up! He is skinny...has a boy butt with no waist. He said he had a great time, and can't wait to go tomorrow. The kid reads at a 2nd grade level, and can write just as well. He just isn't mature enough to test out into first grade, so I think I will leave him where he is.To think, I almost didn't make it to this day...he keeps telling me how he played with marbles and colored and read, and did a puzzle. Wow he was busy...it's funny how they fit so much learning into a 2 1/2 hour period of time. Well, I am off to take a nap...I work tonight at 12AM.
Don't blink, because if you do he'll be entering college. Happened to me with both my kids. :)
Karlynn said:
Don't blink, because if you do he'll be entering college. Happened to me with both my kids. :)
I hate when that happens. Time goes by way too quickly. :)