I understand why some mothers eat their young!

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Lisa in Katy

Because of the flooding, schools are canceled for today, which means my 16 & 18 year olds are home. I went ahead and came in to work once the water on most of the streets had time to recede - about 11:00. My son just got his full drivers license on Friday. He asked if he could go to Denny's with his friend and I said yes, with the normal mom warnings - Be careful. Don't drive on any streets that have water in them. Don't have more than 1 friend in your car. No talking on your cell phone. Etc. I was on a call and noticed that he tried to call me. I send him a text saying, "I'm on a call. What do you need?" So I get a text message from him that says, "Car wreck. Nick." I panic, hang up and call him. Turns out he was starting to enter the feeder road and the car behind him rear ended him. He has minor bumper damage. The other vehicle was an Escalade, so hopefully the insurance is good!

So, relief because he's okay. Mad because he made my heart speed up to about 200 bpm!
Lisa, I'm right behind you. My daughter gets her full license in June...I am terrified. She is not the best driver and I'm sure it won't be very long before I get one of those calls myself. I need to make sure my Xanax is filled.

Because of the flooding, schools are canceled for today, which means my 16 & 18 year olds are home. I went ahead and came in to work once the water on most of the streets had time to recede - about 11:00. My son just got his full drivers license on Friday. He asked if he could go to Denny's with his friend and I said yes, with the normal mom warnings - Be careful. Don't drive on any streets that have water in them. Don't have more than 1 friend in your car. No talking on your cell phone. Etc. I was on a call and noticed that he tried to call me. I send him a text saying, "I'm on a call. What do you need?" So I get a text message from him that says, "Car wreck. Nick." I panic, hang up and call him. Turns out he was starting to enter the feeder road and the car behind him rear ended him. He has minor bumper damage. The other vehicle was an Escalade, so hopefully the insurance is good!

So, relief because he's okay. Mad because he made my heart speed up to about 200 bpm!

Well as the mother of a grown son (at least cronilogically) he at least told you. Hang in there:rolleyes:
But at least it wasn't his fault! Our 2 children always said that Dad had a rule about car accidents: It doesn't matter if you were or weren't at fault for the accident, if you're in the car - as far as Dad is concerned, it's your fault.
My stepson is 17 and as not gotten his drivers license... we have pushed him to get it but he's in no hurry, has plenty of friends who drive. But when I hear these stories, I'm almost glad he hasn't gotten it yet! Glad your son is OK.. I got in a (minor) wreck my first day with my license on my 16th birthday - thought my dad was going to kill me!
Karlynn, our husbands must be related. The first words out of my husband's mouth were, "WTH were you doing driving around? You didn't have anywhere to go. You should have just stayed home!"
Been there, done that! I'm glad your son wasn't hurt and that the accident was minor. After one of our twin sons totaled his car (while we were out of town, no less), we gave the boys our old full sized Buick station wagon to drive. It was like a small tank! Long in the front and long in the back. It wasn't stylish, but at least it was the safest thing they could be in. By the way, after Matt's accident, he always let his brother, Ben drive. Matt is now a very cautious driver. Of course, I still worry as they live in Atlanta and drive in that gosh awful traffic everyday!:( LINDA
My oldest daughter drives. However her boyfriend doesn't drive so she drives him instead of vice versa! I don't think my 15 year old will ever drive. She drives fine in straight lines but has problems remembering to turn the wheel back straight after turning!?!? I taught the first one I am going to let my husband teach her!
Do you want to know when your really should freak out?

Try getting a phone call on a Friday night at 11:50pm after taking two sleeping pills and you have the hospital emergency room asking you to come to the hospital asap, your son is here and was in a car accident.

The car Chris was in:

The car that the drunk driver was in:

Show these to your kids an make an impression on them that it may not be their fault that accidents happen, so watch everyone around them too!
No, Ross, I'll take a pass on that one. I have a friend who got the call in the middle of the night, but unfortunately, hers didn't turn out as good as yours. I can't imagine that level of grief.
Well Chris wasn't killed, but his future mother in law was, so grief was still a part of this one.
A few years back, in the spring time, a couple of teens were trying to outrun the cops in a small local town. Well, a teen lost his life that night, and so the local high school put the wrecked car "on display" out front. It was a sad reminder for the teens fresh out of driving school.
Chris's future mother in law in the passenger seat. This is a hard one to take even to this day.

Lisa, I am glad your son was okay.

Our 16 year old son will have his Learner's permit for a year this coming July. I think he will do fine. He knows I willl lower the boom if he does anything stupid. I worry more about the stupid things others do while driving.

After him, I have to teach our other three kids. That includes a set of twins :eek: I will have No hair by the time I am finished. No wonder why men grow bald and gray.

Those phone calls can be frightening..here is a pic of my younger brother's
car after his wreck. They neede the "jaws of life" to extract him.
My brother survived but he was in the hospital for awhile and in pretty bad shape.
Glad your son's was was minor and he is okay.

Ross - just noticed that your son's car was red too. Maybe red leads to wrecklessness?

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