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Mar 24, 2009
Atlanta, GA, USA
To all my VR friends...I made it over the mountailn (again). I must saty this time around was muche easier, less pain, less complications. less swelling etc. I am going home today (this morning) which is only 4 days after my surgery, which ended up being late in the day on Monday. I'll post again when I am settled in at home.
Thanks to all your well wishes, support and prayers.

Liz G
It is wonderful to hear how well everyone is doing this summer with their surgeries. We've had/are having lots of people going in, and everyone seems to be doing real well.
Keep taking good care of yourself!
Great news. Happy to hear you are doing well.
My second surgery was also much easier on me and my recovery was faster, as welol.
Still....... be sure to take it slow and not push yourself.
That was my experience, too. Except for having four chest tubes instead of one the second time, it was actually easier. Not that it's a piece of cake, but surprisingly tolerable.

I'm glad that it went well for you and that you're moving forward in recovery. And best - going home (you must be there by now).

Best wishes,
Dear Friends,

Today is Sunday and I'm watching golf with my husband...well he's really watching and I'm typing this post. I'm happy to report that I went home on Friday, just 4 short days after my surgery. Everything went very well and my recovery (this time) is much easier. Less pain in general, less swelling and just overall feeling better. I do have to remember that I will have good and bad days. Yesterday was a good day and I might have overdone it a bit (went to Target with hubby to pick up a few things), didn't sleep real well and I'm feeling a little more sluggish today.

I just had a bit of an emotional breakdown saying to my husband "it's not fair, blah, blah, blah" why did I have to go through this twice, blah, blah, blah. He set me straight, it's over, you made it, it's behind you and it's fixed, focus on the positive blah, blah, blah. I know that the emotional up and downs are all part of this but it kind of hit me this morning.

Thank you to everyone for your awesome support. This board has been invaluable to me throughout this entire process.

Liz G

P.S. Does anyone know how I can get my picture uploaded as my avatar? I do not seem to have access to do that.
Your husband sounds great; that kind of emotional stuff happens after this kind of surgery, and, fortunately for most of us, it doesn't last long.

You're still a bit fragile at this stage, so take it easy. Cry if you need to; this is a huge upheaval to go through, even though we do get fixed and better, it's not an easy process.