I introduce myself

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Eowyn Rose

I was born in Switzerland 1962 and my first language is German. That is way my sentences are sometimes the wrong way round and words are misspelled. I married an Australien and live with him in Tasmania. I have two boys nearly 14 and 10 years old. they mean the world to me. I have a dog i absolutly adore. My sister, father, mother and all my other relative are living in Switzerland. I miss them terrible.
I was born with a a narrow aorta and had my fist big op. at 6 month old. The second operation fixing my aorta again was when i was 9 years old. 10 weeks ago i had my aortic valve replaced.
I came along this site because i need you all.
Eowyn is not my real name and i have to ask my youngest son how to pronounce the name. I took that name from Lord of the Rings I liked her a lot. I just like Roses. Eowyn Rose sounds very beautiful, female and strong to me. I made a name up because of privacy reasons and i was just unsure how it is all working.
Anyway i hope that i can be of help to members as much as you are to me.
Eowyn Rose,
I cannot think of a more descriptive name to come up with and thank you for sharing the information. One of the nice things about this website is you can be as open or as private as you deem comfortable. It is helpful for us to have some basic information to use when trying to help. You have provided that information.
You sound like you have led an interesting life in many ways. It must be difficult to live so far from family. I recently moved back to Ohio from California to be with family because I missed them so much. I understand your feelings.
Please keep letting us know how we can help. I will pray that your life is happy and healthy.
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Hi there Rose. First of all I want to say that I too am married to an English speaker, but my husband's Scottish and we live in Brazil which's my homeland. My great grandparents on my mother's side came from Germany to the state of Santa Catarina a long time ago. I went to Germany in 1984 to meet my relatives there and although I was able to speak the language a little, I used my English more. Robert and I lived in Scotland for a couple of years, but for reasons out of my control, we ended up back here where we've now been for about 17 years. He speaks great Portuguese, by the way, and is a Lord of the Rings fan and has all the books and DVDs. I've already had three mitral valve replacements as a result of rheumatic fever and should be having my fourth one of these days, in the future, I hope!! I was completely lost when I found out almost one year ago that my valve was beginning to go, and it was only after finding this site that I began to feel more at ease with the whole situation. Bruna, my seven year old daughter, has mitral valve prolapse but the cardio said we've nothing to worry about and she's able to lead a normal life. I really hope you feel at home here with us and in case you don't know, we have a chat room and many of us have very nice and relaxing talks on Sundays, Monday morning for you, I suppose!!LOL!! In case you ever feel like chatting with me, feel free to call me on yahoo messenger(deboraginastewart1).
Débora :)
Eowyn Rose

Eowyn Rose

Do not worry about real names, the most important thing is that you are a real person, you have had real health issues that have been adressed and you are blessed to go forward. You are among real friends here. That is what matters, we are all real, from different places and cultures and languages. I have a neighbor who is from New Zealand, as we have one here also. Just take things one day at a time and come here anytime. If you have questions or just have to sound off, we are here. Hugs for you and family.