I HEART my cardios!

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--
Just a couple cute stories here I'd like to share... :D

After finding out that one of my favorite students sees my pediatric cardio, I called his office last week to tell him about my valve repair. I'd wanted to all summer, but blame it on effects from the heart-lung machine, I just forgot. A lot. I'd always wanted to call him since he was so great to me the 21 years I was his patient, and I've been pretty memorable to him, too. Anyway, I called, and the secretary there said she'd forward the message, but that she doubted Dr. Wittner would remember me because it's been ten years since I've been his patient. Later that day, I came home and listened to my voicemail--Dr. Wittner called me! He said, "Hiii, Debieee, got your message..." It was clear he knew me after all! After playing "phone-tag" until Saturday, he finally got a hold of me Saturday afternoon, and we had a great conversation talking about my surgery, that I'm one of his favorite patients, etc. He even illuminated my previous understanding about what had happened when I was born--I always thought I'd had a heart attack, but what actually had happened was that I was born with a weak heart and wasn't getting enough blood to it. Dr. Wittner said that as a newborn, my heart healed quickly, but my valve was already degenerative. As we know, valves don't get better on their own, and I finally understood that mine was that way at birth. It wasn't damaged from any trauma, but rather, possibly my valve could have contributed to my ill health as a baby. It was really great, though, to hear from him, and he said to call him anytime with new updates. How awesome is that? :D

Then, after seeing my dentist for another chapter of "Let's See What Else is Going on With Debi's Teeth," (I need my teeth cleaned due to gingivitis from grinding--what fun!), I called my cardio's office to make sure I've been cleared for dental work. It's been almost four months now, but I knew I had to call Dr. V to find out for sure that he'd let me go to the dentist. I called and spoke to the new secretary, who said, "I don't know if Dr. V knows you," um, sure he does--I'm one of his youngest patients to have had valve surgery recently--but promised to have him call me back. He called me at work in the middle of my third period. When I told Dr. V I couldn't talk to him right then, he said to call him when I went on my break, and he'd have his secretary pull him out of his appointment so he could speak to me. I called back at snack period, and sure enough, the secretary had him come to the phone and I asked him what I needed. He took his time explaining to me that yes, even though it's been the better side of three months post-op, I can have my teeth cleaned, to pre-med, etc. I thought that was so nice of him to take the time out to speak to me.:) After all, he could have just called me back when he was done seeing patients for the day, or any other time when he was totally free. So awesome!

Anyway, not to brag, but I've been so blessed to have had the BEST pediatric cardio, and now a really awesome adult cardio!

Anyone else have any positively memorable cardios?

Debi (debster913)
So glad you have had such great doctors- it's nice to be remembered and even nicer to have your phone calls returned!
I also have an absolutely wonderful cardio. She's like another mom. I can call and talk to her any time. She even gave me her pager number for when it's after hours or on the weekend. She knows I won't abuse it, and has actually TOLD me to page her on occasion. The best was the time she called me up one day as she was waiting on some x-rays for another patient... She'd just gotten to thinking about me and wanted to see how I was doing. :D

I love her office staff as well. They know me so well that we frequently have conversations before we get around to the reason I'm actually calling. One time I had to stop by to drop off some information and it was close to closing. The nurse was the only person left in the office and she couldn't leave for another half hour. So we sat and talked for that half hour before we both left. She told me she doesn't think of me as a patient. She always looks forward to my visits.

It threw me off last week when I called her office and a new person answered the phone. She didn't know me from any other patient and I felt so awkward. The next time I called I was able to talk to one of the people who have been there forever and aske "Who's the new girl?"

Right now my cardio is out of the country and I'm having some CHF issues. The echo tech was telling me I should call my EP or my PCP, but I'd much rather just wait until my cardio's back in town. No one listents to me quite the way she does.
Mine is not only a fabulous and very clever man, he is is also drop dead gorgeous! When I was in hospital initially he used to come to see me every morning, even at weekends if he wasn't on call, just used to pop in to check me. I could wax lyrical, he is such a lovely man - and yes, he has also used the term 'favourite patient' and even it is not really true then it still gives a boost.

What pity he is happily married with four children and is about twenty years too young for me!
I cannot tell you

I cannot tell you

how envious I am with those of you whose cardiologists personally talk with them on the phone. Even when I had a terrible crisis last November after my echo results were made known to me, my cardiologist would not talk with me - he told the nurse to tell me to speak with a family physician about getting some help.

That is why I am switching cardios - however, I am not sure if the new ones personally call their patients. Wow! You are luckies!!

Christina L
I too have been blessed with an awesome cardiologist. We spend so much time talking sports and such that his nurses always gets upset when he sees me because we spend so much time talking and of course it throws off their schedule. I had an echo done on 9-11-06 at 11am and at 8:30pm my phone rang and it was him calling with my results from his office. He went over the echo with me and then we talked about the football game that was on and the game he had taken his son to the day before and he was staying late catching up on his work. He often tells me I am one of his favorite patients and treats me like his sister. When I ask him a question on what his opinion he would do and he always says if you were my sister I would tell you.....I have been his patient since he first moved to my area and I was one of his youngest patients. I trust his opinion and respect him more than any other Dr I've known. There are alot of jerks out there. Best of luck to you.
Ooh! For some reason I was just reminded of another incident with my card. She called my house (I don't remember why at the moment) and my husband answered. She asked for me and he was distracted, so he said "Speaking--- I mean, I'll go get her." Of course, she couldn't just let that slide, so she started teasing him (she's great with my husband too). The next time I was at her office my cell rang while I was in the exam room. I said something about it probably being my hubby and she said "Ooh! Can I answer?" Of course, I let her. She answered "Speaking." Completely surprised my hubby, but he thought it was funny. I love how we can tease each other like that (some time I'll have to tell about the joke I pulled on her, then her retaliation. :D ).

I never want another card. Unfortunately, it looks like I'm going to have to at least go out to the Mayo or Philly to get an ACHD specialist to look me over. :(
Niki and Alicia--It's so great that you have a really good rapport with your cardios!

In fact, to add to my story, I saw Dr. V Monday after nearly passing out in the shower. After chalking up my near-syncope to low sodium, Dr. V put me on Promatine 4xs a day and told me to call him if I had any weird side effects. Then, I took work off yesterday to get my teeth cleaned and decided to drop by Dr. V's office at lunch break to say hi. Actually, I went by to see his nurse practitioner who adores me :p and says to drop by anytime to visit. It's kind of cool, too, because my cardio's office is literally a block away from where I live.

Anyway, the nurse and I had a great conversation for about 20 minutes. She told me I looked a lot better than I did Monday and asked how my dental appointment went. Then she revealed something to me I'd never really considered: I'm my cardio's favorite patient.:D She said to me, "He was so worried about you yesterday, and when Dr.'s worried, he's worried. And he normally doesn't worry a lot." I'd actually called him that morning to ask if it was still OK for me to get my teeth cleaned, because I woke up not feeling well with a sore throat, and figured if I was coming down with something, it might not be a good idea to introduce bacteria into my bloodstream. (I guess partially I was just nervous about going to the dentist in the first place :( ) He allayed my concerns and said as long as I didn't have a fever, I was OK.

When we were done talking, the nurse called my cardio in to say hi to me, and we talked briefly about my appointment. I apologized for waking him up over such a silly concern, and he said to call him anytime I have questions or concerns. He knows I only have a handful of sick days this year because I used mine all up last year with the surgery (I get 10 days a year and had 31 accumulated last year), and said when I need to see him in a couple months for my next check-up, to call him and he'd see me after school. He only sees patients in the morning, and then goes to the hospital in the afternoon. I thought that was really awesome of him to accommodate me like that.:D

Yay to great, caring cardios! There ought to be more like ours! :)
What a teacher's pet you are!:D

I was my "beloved cardio" 's favorite too. He only took 100 patients in his practice because he devoted the rest of his time to research, so I'm sure my odds at achieveing "favorite" status were better than yours. He was a very quiet man, so his nurse tattled on him by telling me that I was "like a daughter" to him. I think because his daughter was my age and he always felt so badly that I was having such a terrible time of it. After he died, I emailed his son to express my appreciation. I got a lovely email back from his wife (herself a well known doctor in Chicago) saying that she remembered me because he spent a lot of time being concerned about me. My husband says that he hated him. I said that's because no man is good enough for his "daughter".;) The only time I saw him grin was when he came to my CICU room after my EPS to say that I didn't have a particular rare arrhythmia that he had suspected (and not told me) I had. He had a shy smile that he didn't use very often, so the grin was way out of the ordinary. Unfortunately this gifted, caring man died of an Alzheimer's-like brain disease that took his memory and his physical abilities.

I'm glad your cardio is so special to you. It gives you a feeling of security that is wonderful. You can be sure he'll watch out after you very well.
So sorry to hear about your cardio's demise, Karlynn.

I suspect my cardio has a sister my age, though we don't really talk about personal stuff. I kind of think my cardio disapproves of my hubby, too, as if no one is good enough for his "sister," either. Funny though how the nurses tell on the doctors like that! I'd never had suspected I was that special to my cardio until his nurse told me very frankly.

It's very comforting to know that he's in my corner and is very watchful of me. :D

Debi (debster913)
I love mine, too and told him many yrs ago that he couldn't die before I do.

I had to visit his office two days ago; we got the medical stuff out of the way and then we launched into conversation about world affairs and politics.

He has cared for my mother, my brother, my cousins, and me. He is also a surgeon, saved my mother's life and several friends. It's so nice to have a doctor who knows your family histories without having to search his records.

He is a gentle man and I love him so much.

I also love my dentist, a handsome fellow. First time I went to him, a girl asked me to write her phone number on my teeth so he would see him. Recently he was diagnosed with cancer. We are all devastated. He, too, is good with chit chat and fun. His cancer has been caught in time and he's going through chemo and radiation. His school mate from dentistry school is handling the practice part time - he's expected to be back in 3 - six months.

Why do we call our doctors "MINE"? And why do they call us "MY PATIENT"?

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