I have my date! Yikes!

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Well-known member
May 23, 2006
calabasas, ca
I'm going in for AVR and Aneurysm repair on June 29th. Nails bitten off completely, now chewing on stubs! How did all of you cope in the days leading up to your surgery? :eek:
I put you on the calendar! Coping.....You mean your supposed too? :eek:

Honestly, go out, treat yourself like royalty from now until surgery day. Indulge, over indulge, get silly, play, do everything that you don't normally get to do.
I'll echo Ross's sentiments. You can't do anything to change it, so go out and live it up! You'll be glad you did, and it will make the time pass quicker.:)
The Rossman is absolutely right. Don't sit around and brood about it. Get out and enjoy yourself.....go out to dinner, shows, whatever you like to do. Go shopping for books for the hospital (but you probably won't feel like reading for a bit), treat yourself like royalty.....Don't worry about putting on a few pounds pre-op.....you surely won't feel like eating post.

You will be fine. The waiting is the very hardest part....not only on you but on everyone who cares about you. I know I surely was a wreck when my husband had his surgery.

We'll be praying for you.

Unless you travel to the far reaches of the earth, buy a yacht or a mansion, you can't get into too much financial trouble in 2 weeks. Go to that restaurant you always wanted to try but thought was too expensive. Eat ice cream and chocolates. Buy a bottle of that expensive champagne. Take a train ride to nowhere. Hold hands and hug everyone you love and the time will go way too quickly. Before you know it you will be over the mountain and doing the smooth sailing down the other side.
that is only 2 weeks...I would get organized..first...about how you want your house set up..when you return from hospital...Recliner?...near a bathroom?, ect...Family? that will be able to stay with you for the first 2 weeks?.......then..I would go out and enjoy the next week or so....:) What is your biggest fear?..The surgery?....Try to remember when you check in..soon they give you a good-feel shot and the rest is a blur..until you awake..Hopefully, with your vent out and other tubes.......:) Let us know if you have any questions we can help with..You will be fine..Bonnie
geebee said:
Unless you travel to the far reaches of the earth, buy a yacht or a mansion, you can't get into too much financial trouble in 2 weeks. Go to that restaurant you always wanted to try but thought was too expensive. Eat ice cream and chocolates. Buy a bottle of that expensive champagne. Take a train ride to nowhere. Hold hands and hug everyone you love and the time will go way too quickly. Before you know it you will be over the mountain and doing the smooth sailing down the other side.
I'm hanging around with you when my dates come! :D

Best wishes, Temp...you have lots of support aand inspiration on this board!

Your date

Your date

I echo everyone else. DO enjoy yourself, but not as if there is no tomorrow. There will be better days ahead for you. See if you can get your hands (legally) on some Ativan or other tranq. That will help get through the roughest part.

Looking forward to hearing from you and the boring time you're having after the surgery.

I only had (thankfully) only 10 days to contimplate a "possible" surgury that did indeed turn into surgery. I was in the hospital the whole time and had plenty of time to think. I got closer to God and became very peaceful. My wife and the ativan helped also.

Best wishes to you,

I have you beat by one day

I have you beat by one day

;) :D We will be in this together! My ohs is scheduled on June 28 for mitral valve/repair or replace! Take care and I was scared silly at first, but now have the confidence to forge ahead. If you need to talk I am here.

Lisa, snoopy, and riley Keeping their paws crossed for all of us!
Go out into nature

Go out into nature

While I was waiting I found it wonderful and theraputic to spend time in the country... now if you can't do that a walk to a nearby park and listening to nature around you.... frightened? of course but just think we are really the lucky ones... the ones who don't just die from a heart disease that has not been diagnosed or some other terminal illness... fifty years ago we might not have been so lucky... love to you from here in Australia.. will be sending my prayers to you ... and I definately believe prayers help so much Elise
Hang on tightly...:D ...

for me the feeling of "panic & fear" passed quickly and turned into a "hurry up and get it over already" , ..
it was only the first day or two once I had booked my date that I was in panic mode. I quickly remembered this is what I really needed done and was what I had been preparing for then time wouldnt pass quickly enough.

Put your confidence in the team you have chosen and leave it be...

You wouldnt be normal if you didnt have these worries before this surgery...

good luck and God Bless...

annoy us here as often as you need to
I know how you feel...

I know how you feel...

Saturday will be the 6 month anniversary of my OHS. Nobody could be as scared as I was...I don't think it is possible..:D If you don't believe me, go read some of my first posts.
But I survived and am doing fine. Right now I am vacationing almost 2000 miles from home and my biggest concern is to get sunny weather so I can do my daily walking outside.;)
You will be just fine. Take a deep breath, relax, do things you enjoy, visit with friends ,and ..what helped me the most..come here to post. People here never got tired of hearing my concerns, my fears,my wining,.. I also got a guided imagery tape that helped my a lot to relax and sleep.
Good luck to you. You will be just fine.
Thanks So Much!

Thanks So Much!

For all the support. It's really, really appreciated! Donated blood for my surgery, wife is going to donate platelettes (sp).

Funny, I feel great! Wouldn't you know it! Will know more after angiogram on monday morning. :)
I coped by staying totally immersed in my work. Was so exhausted I practically had to crawl home every night. Still crazy anxious but didn't have much time to give in to it. Surrounded myself with positive friends and family. Oh, and another thing....I hung out here alot! Week before surgery I was overcome with the most peaceful and serene feeling of acceptance. Wasn't like looking forward to a vacation, but I couldn't wait to start the trek to Cleveland because I knew in my heart that April 6 was going to be the first day of the rest of my life! I was right!
Many wishes for a very boring ohs and post-op! We'll be thinking of you.
I've had my PVR date set for 8 weeks, and I have another 3 weeks and 5 days to go until I have OHS. My surgery is scheduled for July 14.

The advice from everyone is just great - but unfortunately, I cannot indulge in doing fun things or eating ice cream and chocolate (sigh). I've got so much to do at work that I'm working on weekends too. I only have about 8 hours total each week to have fun and do what I want, but I'm usually too tired and end up falling asleep.
I can't indulge in yummy foods because I'm supposed to lose 10 pounds for my surgery - I've lost 7 and have 3 more to go. But I think I'm having trouble losing weight because I'm swelling and retaining water in my feet, hands, and abdomen.

What has helped me though, is that I started a blog chonicling my wait for OHS.
I've never been one to keep a journal, but I find this both theraputic and fun. Try keeping a journal or writing. Sometimes it helps to get things out that way.

Good luck with the wait and the surgery! You've got lots of support and friends here on the board!
Pamela, congrats on getting your date. I'm sure it's really really scary now; but by the end of summer you'll be feeling a whole lot better.

You really need to pester your cardio about the fluid you're retaining. This can indicate congestive heart failure - always a danger when you have a failed valve. You might not have to lose any more weight if they get you on diuretics; then you CAN go out and indulge.

Another thing: I can't imagine there's a single thing at work that requires someone as sick as you to work 7 days a week. And believe me, you are really sick right now. The problem we valvers have is that we don't look sick - aren't running a fever, nor are we doubled over in pain. But your heart is in a very precarious condition, and you shouldn't be stressed out. I was diagnosed two weeks before surgery; my docs would not allow me to work. Now, I was in awful shape; but when you're ready for valve surgery, having a bunch of work dumped on you is NOT the way to prep.

So please take care of yourself, and I suggest that you notify your doc (when you call him/her about the water retention) that they want you to work overtime; and he'll pitch a fit and send notice to your boss that you're NOT to work overtime; then you'll have plenty of time to go SHOPPING!!!!