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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2004
Portsmouth UK
YAY! Thanks to Ross I now have an avatar of Chloe with her coaguchek! lol
Had to take it to go in the heartline magazine over here but thought you all might like to see her too. It was taken last night.

Thanks again Ross!!
Love Emma
Chloe is a cutie-petutie!
You've got a wonderful avatar!
It's the fashion now!

It's the fashion now!

What a lovely wee lassie she is!! And by what you've told us about her, a very brave one too!!
Débora :)


Is sooo cute...and brave...Enjoy chatting with you every Sunday night on VR.Com Chat..even tho, it's late over there.. :p Bonnie
Oh, Emma..........

Oh, Emma..........

Chloe is a doll...........and the Coagucheck folks ought to be paying y'all for their cutest spokesperson. SEnding hugs. P.s. Did Chloe have her PC appointment yet? HOpe all went well, if so. More hugs. Janet
This place is starting to look like the "Attack of the children" site. :D

One of the best lookin kids I've seen yet:
awww thankyou everyone! We think shes gorgeous too! So sweet and definately very brave - and just to boast a bit more, shes been put on the 'gifted and talented' register at school as her reading and writing is at a high level! And she only started school last september! Clever little madam.

Janet, no, Chloes appointment is the 28th of this month - terrified already!
Hows Katie doing?? Has she had any more checkups?? And how are you holding up??

Lots of love
EmmaCornish said:
Janet, no, Chloes appointment is the 28th of this month - terrified already!
Hows Katie doing?? Has she had any more checkups?? And how are you holding up??

Well, I will keep my fingers and toes crossed..........eyes, too, most likely for a great checkup. I'll throw in a few prayers, too, for good measure.

As for us, well, I am a basketcase. (More about that later......well, maybe, dunno..........haven't felt like talking about it really..........) We have been waiting for three weeks now for a second opinion. Meanwhile we still have a surgery date of July 12th...............UGH!!!!! UGH!!!!! UGH!!!!! :( Guess we'll be rivaling you all too soon for that cutest spokesperson award! Thanks for asking about us. Sending hugs and good vibes. Janet

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