I have a pre-liminary answer from a Surgeon ALREADY!!!

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Perth, Australia
if you have been following my story you will know.

if not brief history...On Monday evening out of frustration...I emailed the Ct Surgeons at our biggest best Heart Hossy in Sydney Australia re: my continuing dilemma...

Much to my surprise and delight the secretary emailed me directly back and said she would pass my email on to their surgeons...

This evening (thursday) I recieved an interim email from one of their surgeons...he has looked over the material/reports I sent him and scan and would like to have all copies of everything I have available so he can make a better assessment...

so at the minute it is looking very good indeed

he mentions he shares the same concerns I raise in my letter...

:eek: :D :eek: :D Oh My Golly Gosh !!!

so there ya go ...look what I gotdone without even trying...thanks for the encouragement...i couldnt wait to pop in here and tell you all the exciting news....

someone is listening and they are an AORTIC SPECIALIST !!!!!!!:D :D

prayers answered

prayers answered

That is wonderful and I hope everything works out for you as I know how frustrating it is to know (yourself) theres something wrong, yet not be a priority until its almost too late! Congrats!!!!!

Good for you! I have been following your story and admire your strength and persistence to get answers for yourself and your sons.

I hope all goes well!

aww thanks guys :eek: :D ...

I did feel a bit "pushy" emailing those surgeons without any intorductions or referrals but my gut instinct told me to just DO IT !:rolleyes: .

I have sent off the big pile of scan and echo results for Dr Nick Hendel ( the surgeon ) to look over and am sending the DVD's of my CT and MRI through the post.

I co-incidentally happened to see some of this team "in-action" last-night on a local TV program over here. A young man had pierced his heart with a piece of wire which had formed a clot and blocked the hole saving him from certain death :eek: it was fascinating to watch and had a happy ending.
Way To Go!

Way To Go!

Tonia, WELL DONE! I'm afraid I'm going to rant a little... My father was a physician. I was raised to revere doctors. Over the last 21 years I've witnessed so much medical incompetance I can't believe it. It has become the norm! We've heard enough here to make me cringe. So my point is: DON'T SETTLE FOR DOCS YOU DON'T FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH! You have to do your homework, and keep track of everything! AND KEEP LOOKING UNTIL YOU FIND SOMEONE YOU TRUST! Very few "Healthcare professionals" care, or are professional in their day to day practice. I am proud of you Tonia! Keep it up and you'll be in the right hands soon! All the best, Brian

WAY TO GO GIRL!!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D

Sometimes we just have to go on our "gut feeling" and make things happen. Hope you have now found an "ear" and can get someone that will listen and understand your fears. The fear may be unfounded to them but they are REAL TO YOU.

Keep pounding away. Well, not too much. Don't want to BUST anything.:eek: :eek: :D :D

May God Bless,
