I Hate Doctors!

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I was suppose to have an angiogram today. Leaking, narrowing mitral valve and pulmonary hypertention. I had told my cardio docs nurse I had been having a lot of fluid retention, swelling and sob. She never said not to come in for the test.
So I go to a hospital all the way across the city. My son has to miss work to take me. The nurse comes in and she is very concerned with my sob. She goes and gets the doc. He is concerned and does not want to do the angiogram because of my breathing problem. I don't understand because I always have sob, maybe not this bad.
He starts looking at my chart and he says, " Who ordered this angiogram"?
I was shocked into silence for a moment and than i said" You are Dr. Hansen"
He said, "Yes" So i told him he ordered it. He seemed puzzled.
My PH specialist had consulted with him after I had a echo in December. Dr. Hansen had no record of the echo and it seemed the only info he had on me was when I had seen him 3 years ago.
So here I sit. The valve problem is making the PH worse and the PH is making the valve problem worse. There doesn't seem to be any help for me.
Right now I'm ready to lay down and give up!
Barb, the first call this morning should be to the PH who was in on the original. It is horrible for patients to have to go through this. There is a definite miscommunication of some sort here. In the future, be sure to confirm with everybody concerned that you are 'on the list' before you go through all the trouble again. You only make yourself worse. But get on the phone first thing. Hard to believe that you were simply turned away, but it happens. I have traveled many miles for appointments, only to find my name not on the 'list'- but I had THEIR handwriting showing my appointment and they had no choice but to fit me in. Get it in writing is the best way. Sometimes the only way. Good luck. Let us know. Blessins.....
Oh Barb I am so sorry for what you are going through. Unfortunately these things happen and sometimes when we are too ill to make a scene, which is necessary in these cases.
Please don't give up or in. You will find someone to help if you persist and, rememeber, life is worth it.
Start with your PH specialist. Call him and sternly ask what happened. I would say "demand" but I don't know him so I do not know what works best. Make sure you do not hang up (or leave if you go in personally) until you have answers and a plan that you both agree on.
Like Ann says, get all your appointments in writing. Don't let anyone turn you away in the future.
It makes no sense for a doctor to avoid a cath because of SOB. The majority of people facing OHS surgery have SOB and most have caths.
Keep fighting.
That really bites....but don't give up....I hate doctors too but unfortunely they are the only ones that can help us(had my share of frustrating visits lately)....hope you get the proper diagnostic tests and treatment soon.

Best of luck...

Char :eek: