I finally snapped

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Monday the 28th of Feb was not a good day. In the morning my supervisor read me the riot act about taking time off to get dental work and other medical preparations for surgery, and that my job should be my #1 priority. This lowered my respect for him a bit more than previous as he treated the surgery as if it were a hangnail or ingrown hair. About 2:30 I got the call that they were flying my sister out via medivac. About 45 min. later I got the call that I better get home quick. I managed to keep the speed below 100 MPH as I work 46 miles from home and missed her passing by 3 min. The next day at work I snapped and told my aide that this surgery was taking place. I then called the administrator and didn't ask but told her that I was taking time off for dental work and then the surgery and that if she had a problem with that she could send me my pink slip. Shortly after the supervisor called and was nice as could be. The administrator was very nice and said to take all the time off I needed and my job would be there when I returned. I had all my wisdom teeth pulled on the 7th of Mar. and am home healing up from that, however I will return to work tomorrow and work until all is healed,then make appt. for surgery. Due to the passing of my sister I now have a new member to my family that was discussed prior to my sisters passing, her 13 year old daughter. I was previously in the middle of adding another bedroom to my house and now that will have to become reality sooner than expected. Will keep in touch as to the surgery date and progress on new addition. HAVE A NICE DAY!
Sorry to hear about your sister.

Sorry to hear about your sister.

Boy it sounds like you have really been having a rough go of things. Sorry to hear about your sister. You have my prayers. It is really great of you to take in your niece. I am sure she really needs your support right now. Glad that you stood up to the people at work. How inconsiderate they were being. Unfortunately, you don't have to pass a human being test to become a boss. If you did it might weed out some of the jerks!! Wishing you the best as you prepare for your surgery. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Sorry to hear about your sister's passing.
Good for your standing up to a very insensitive supervisor! You don't need his babbling at a time like this... Shame he doesn't realize all this will make you a healthier, more productive employee once the surgery is over and you've fully recuperated.
Please accept my condolences on the loss of your sister. You have a full plate helping your niece adjust to the loss of her mother while you cope with losing your sister. I will keep you all in my prayers.
You have my sincere condolenscenses on the loss of your sister. Even though it may seem that things are crumbling around with job issues, looming surgery and taking on a 13 year old niece, know that your friends here are praying for you.
Jeez, Bear.

I sat with a reply I started 20 minutes after you posted, and was just speechless. This has been a terrible time for you.

I am sorry to hear of your sister's passing, what that means to you, and the terrible pain your new family member must be going through. That's a hard enough time of life without this.

The morons at work are toeing the line because your idiot supervisor has left them wide open for a lawsuit. From this point on, they will want to work with you.

If they stumble, get a lawyer who'll work on percentage.

Looks like you cleaned up Dodge pretty good for one day. Guess you'll have to do something spectacular for an encore, like have open heart surgery or something...

Good luck, Bear. My bet's on you.
My sincere condolences at the untimely death of your sister. How tragic.

Your boss sounds like a member of the Peter Principle Club whose members get promoted mostly to get them out of other manager's territory--passing the unfit on to others. You did absolutely the right thing in blowing your stack. How ridiculously inhumane your boss was.

Onward and upward, first things first, your health, your family and then your job.
I am so sorry about your sister. What a terribly tragic thing to happen on top of everything else you are dealing with at the moment. I wish you the best of luck with your niece.... this is a very difficult age for her and her mum's passing will have a profound effect on her. I went to live with an aunt when I was 15 and dealing with a lot of issues. I certainly tried everyone's patience, but we managed to struggle through and are still immensely close to this day.

I'm glad you were able to stand up to your boss and you now have his (and everyone else's) cooperation. Some people's attitudes are really difficult to understand sometimes.

Hang in there Bear! There's lots of love and positive thoughts being sent your way.....


I'm sorry to hear of the passing of your sister and all that you are going through right now. I experienced the same thing at work as you did. Don't let them bully you...and remember that your health is more important than your job. By that I mean that without your health you won't be able to work anyway. Take care and try to take one day at a time.
This is all so shocking, Bear. Man's/woman's unkindness to man/woman. Doesn't even make sense, but it's all round us, unfortunately.

Please accept my sincerest condolences in the loss your dear sister. You are to be commended for becoming a brand new father. That child is going to need you.

You have my prayers in all of this.
Our Jobs are protected by The FMLA of 1993

Our Jobs are protected by The FMLA of 1993

Sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my Aunt just after I got out of the hospital. Here is a link from the U.S dept of labor. http://www.dol.gov/esa/whd/fmla/index.htm#form
I use this, and your job should be aware of this law. If not they should now. I have a special needs child and found out about this after getting alot of flack from my fellow employees and bosses. I also am using it currently if you can't pay your health insurance it will keep you from losing it. You can also use this if you need to take care of a loved one or some one needs to take care of you for awhile. Hope it helps it helped me. :)

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