I feel some thing jumping

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2002
My cousin's 5 yr. old discovered his heart this afternoon. He was laying on the sofawith his dad when he just jumped up and ran over to his mom with his hand on his chest and said " I feel something jumping mom" he was right his heart was jumping. Since his heart beat felt strange to her she called her boss the Dr. she works for . He met her in the ER. Bobby has A-Fib and vegetation on his mitral and aortic valves and is being treated for endocarditisin thePICU. He has never had any cardiac problems before. I never wanted the next generation in our family would never have to deal with cardiac problems.some Memorial Day!

Oh, Lettitia. I agree, this is sad news. But then again, he is lucky to be SO smart and so aware at 5 years old! And then to have a mother who didn't discount his feeling or pass it by. She acted on it immediately and most certainly it has saved his life! Please keep us posted on the brave little guy's progress!

The others are right, sad news but good that he was aware enough to notice things were different.
I will pray that things are cleared up with the meds and there is no permanent damage.
I',m sorry that happened, but so happy it was picked up (yeah Bobby and Mom). Justin had the 6 weeks of IVs when he was 11 and right now one of my friends little girls is about bobby's age and is in the middle of her 6 weeks, if you cousin would like to talk to my friend about dealing w/ a PIC line w/ a 5 yo i would be glad to get the contact info, karin is a huge help so know she wouldn't mind, lyn
Lettitia, I simply can't imagine what this weekend's been like for them. All my good thoughts & prayers go out to them. What an amazing family and what a stroke of luck that your cousin recognized that something was wrong.

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