I am really really trying not to freak out!!

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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2009
Scottsboro, Alabama USA
I know you guys think I am crazy! Every day I seem to have a major problem, or an axe to grind!

INR test on Wed.....got results Friday....1.8!! I had a horrible weekend! Worried I was going to totally stroke out!! That isn't even the worst! My INR was 3.6 a week ago....went on a diet...ate cabbage several times......but had NO idea it would be this drastic! (I lost 4 pounds!).....was told to keep my dose the same...6mg....but I FREAKED and took 7.5 both Friday and Saturday nights...THEN last night I was going to drop back to 6 mg! BUT I think I double dosed!! I honestly think I took my 6mg TWICE! THAT is 12mg! I don't know for sure...but I almost know for sure that I did!

I am not even on drugs!!! What will this do to me? I get tested again Wed....oh and by the way....I didn't eat any cabbage this week!!

Hon your over correcting and over worrying. You ain't gonna stroke in a day or twos time. Even if you did double dose, so what. Maybe you'll be a little high, but it's better then being too low. 3.6 is nothing to flip out about. The very next test, if done back to back, might well have been 3.4, so no correction was needed. Just take what your supposed to take and wait until the next test. Things will work out in the end. Don't pig out on cabbage until then.
Sweetie, you have got to calm down. Really, I've briefly done the panic thing, and it aint good.
Don't diet. Eat sensibly: Baked fish or broiled skinless chicken, steamed or boiled veggies, fresh fruit, low fat dairy, etc.
Right now your body and system is all confused cause you are messing with it every week.
Don't fiddle with an INR that is a bit off, or you will spend your life chasing doses.
Mark down on your calendar EVERY day what dose you take and use a pill box. :)
Oh dear, I'm hyper-ventilating just reading about your stress. Ross & Bina are right... just take it easy, keep track of what you're taking and when. I have to laugh - the times that my INR would drop like a rock were when I ate too much coleslaw. It really does me in! Bina gave you some very good advice... eat wholesome food and get your body back on track. If I were in your shoes I would gradually add the greens back in - moderately. Also, what's with testing on Wed and getting the results on Friday? That does you absolutely no good. You're getting results on Friday for something that may have happened on Saturday/Sunday.

Not trying to confuse the issue, but I had trouble getting stable - until I slowly increased my vit k intake. I am sensitive to vit k foods and now take 100 mcg vit k tablet every day to lessen the impact if I don't eat consistently.
......and use a pill box. :)

This is the best advice you can get. A seven day pillbox (many pharmacies give them away) is the best "fail safe" habit I ever developed. If my lid is up for that day I KNOW I took the pill.

As for the INR.....like Ross says "lighten up", you will get the hang of warfarin. When I get a "?" reading I generally do nothing until I test again in a week or so. Usually my INR will self correct but if I am trending up or down, I add/subtract half a dose. You can have INR fluctuations if you significantly change your diet for several days. The key to warfarin management is a reasonably consistent diet.....and SMALL dosing changes when needed.

This is one reason warfarin patients are advised to consult their doctor before making longterm changes in their eating habits (vs. just for a weekend or week) or starting an exercise program. A change in eating habits or exercise levels will probably affect the INR. More frequent testing is needed at first to see where the INR is heading and to make adjustments in dosage. You have to schedule a few more tests at first, then you should be on an even keel once you're adhering to the new eating habits or exercise regimen and you find that "sweet spot" for your warfarin.

Those who home-test need to test several days after initiating changes. If it were me, I would test about 5 days after, adjust as needed and then test again in another 5-7, depending on how much of a change my INR was on the previous test.