I am going to my GP

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Have been having a persistant ache in ribs left side.. I am sure (kinda) :eek: that its not angina.. just dont know what it is.. be back later.. ;)
I am home, going to lay down,, its chest wall pain most likely from grabbing Spaz the other day.... love all of you , Yaps

Hey, watch out when you grab Spaz!
My youngest sister (then 42) tried to restrain her dog in October 1998; dog threw her off balance. She fell, breaking her hip -- had to have a total joint replacement. This was in her den, in front of her husband and a city building inspector, who inspecting the den that they had just built themselves.
The inspector suggested they call 911 and he could come back later. Nancy said, "No, you finish your inspection, then we'll call 911."
He did, and they did. Then the &*^@ dog ate the inspection paperwork!!!!!! (for real!)

Hope you're feeling better now......


Please be careful when picking up your loved one. Hope you feel better soon.Did the GP give you something for the pain. Take care and be more careful on anything heavy on the pick up.
This is my heavy reared child, she spazzed on me

This is my heavy reared child, she spazzed on me


she had tangled herself up in my rose bush.... I held her with my left hand and untangled her chain with my right, she jerked me to try to get the cat 'Shadow' who was after our turtle who escaped his cage( he is big..not little).. I had my hands full that day... :rolleyes: Thankyou everyone,love Yaps