I just received the most beautiful email. It was a forward titled Holy Alphabet and if I knew how to put it on here I would. It reminded me that I haven't been as humble and grateful as I should have been lately.
I am almost ashamed of myself for griping so much lately and not letting my heart be kinder.
I truly try but I find myself being a little bitter about some things.
So I am going public here to say that I am a Christian and love Jehovah God with all my heart. And I do fall short sometimes.
And even though I do believe what I posted as far as illegals are concerned I don't want Jehovah or anyone else to think that I don't have love in my heart for them. I just wish that we didn't have to do everything the hard way. But I still know that God is with us, each one that believes.
And I am grateful for modern medicine that has gotten me this far. Even though my life is more difficult than it used to be before my heart got so bad, I am still better off than some and I know God didn't do it and that he is with me. It is up to me to make the most of what I have.
Thanks for listening again.
I am almost ashamed of myself for griping so much lately and not letting my heart be kinder.
I truly try but I find myself being a little bitter about some things.
So I am going public here to say that I am a Christian and love Jehovah God with all my heart. And I do fall short sometimes.
And even though I do believe what I posted as far as illegals are concerned I don't want Jehovah or anyone else to think that I don't have love in my heart for them. I just wish that we didn't have to do everything the hard way. But I still know that God is with us, each one that believes.
And I am grateful for modern medicine that has gotten me this far. Even though my life is more difficult than it used to be before my heart got so bad, I am still better off than some and I know God didn't do it and that he is with me. It is up to me to make the most of what I have.
Thanks for listening again.