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Hi All

My name is Mark Beckham. I am 51 years old. Had Hodgkins when I was 21 and as a result of the radiotherapy I now need my aortic valve replaced.

I have an angiogram on Wednesday and then surgery will be booked. I live in a little town called Inverhaugh just outside of Guelph Ontario. My surgery will be at St Mary's in Kitchener.

So like many I am beginning the research to try and make the best decisions possible. This site is tremendous. The threads and comments are extremely helpful. Thanks.

I am quite sure I will choose a mechanical valve as the coumadin issue does not phase me. The On X (?) valve sounds good based on the aspirin. So really I guess that is where I am at.

I'll keep checking and learning. Thanks again!!
Welcome Mark.

Sounds like you have the important things covered. Now your job is to relax and get ready for surgery. It will be in the past before you know it.

Let us know how we can help.
Hi Mark,
We have several members who have faced aortic valve replacement following radiation treatments, and the numbers appear to be growing. I am sure they will check in with their own experiences a little later.
In the meantime, welcome to the group! Please let us know the results of your angiogram and when you are scheduled for surgery.
Take care,
Hi Mark,

Welcome to VR.com. We're almost neighbours as I live in Waterdown which isn't too far from Guelph. I ride up that way all the time. I can't help with valve choice as I had a replacement but there's lots of info here. All the best with your research.
Welcome Mark - Glad you found this site! Best wishes regarding you information search and subsequent decision and valve replacement surgery! I found this site before my surgery and found it extremely helpful; may you continue to also:). As has been written, there are some other members here who have perhaps very similar radiation damage history as yours and no doubt they will see your post and then reply. Feel free to ask all of your questions.
Welcome to VR Mark, and I hope you find it the great site that I did last year.

I wish you well in your upcoming surgery -it'll come and go very quickly.

I've just had my Aortic valve replaced and so far all is going well.

You'll get lots of help and advice from the people here.

Best Wishes


Mark said:
Hi All

My name is Mark Beckham. I am 51 years old. Had Hodgkins when I was 21 and as a result of the radiotherapy I now need my aortic valve replaced.

I have an angiogram on Wednesday and then surgery will be booked. I live in a little town called Inverhaugh just outside of Guelph Ontario. My surgery will be at St Mary's in Kitchener.

So like many I am beginning the research to try and make the best decisions possible. This site is tremendous. The threads and comments are extremely helpful. Thanks.

I am quite sure I will choose a mechanical valve as the coumadin issue does not phase me. The On X (?) valve sounds good based on the aspirin. So really I guess that is where I am at.

I'll keep checking and learning. Thanks again!!
Welcome, Mark! You will absolutely love this site. Personally, I would have been a total basketcase without it! Not only is everyone so willing to help guide you and cheer you up, but they have a wealth of information that I would never have been able to find on my own.


Welcome Mark, we're glad you found us! The On-X valve is a very promising valve. If I were having my replacement done today, it would probably be my top pick too. Keep us posted on how things are going, and don't hesitate asking any questions that come to mind.


Hi All

I am confused.

I had the angiogram done on Feb 21, 2007. The results showed clear arteries. No enlargement of the heart a 60% ejection fraction and that my Aortic Valve was opening .96.

The cath Dr said valve needs replacing. My cardiac Dr when I saw him 2 weeks later was disturbed that surgery was not booked. he felt this was, coupled with my symptoms of SOB and chest pain, urgent. So he gets on the phone speeds everything up and I am in to see the Cardiac surgeon yesterday.

This Dr says I do NOT need the valve replaced!!!! maybe in 15 years. He feels the degree of my symptoms do not match what the echo and angio results are showing.

End result, he will speak to my cardiologist next week as he is off on vacation this week. Booked me for a CT scan April 12!!! and continue to do nothing until we figure out what is the problem. He feels it is likely related to the radiotherapy I had back in 1976 for Hodgkins Disease.

So is there anyone out there with a similar situation?
No similar situation, Mark, but your numbers are good. I hope that you and your doctors can come to a resolution to the problem. If you are not satisfied with your present cardio, it may be worth a second opinion.
Greetings Mark,

I am a fellow Radiation Therapy Victim (er...Survivor)

Many Cardiologists and Surgeons like to wait until the Aortic Valve Area drops to 0.8 sq cm or less before replacement so maybe that's why your surgeon is hesitant.

Whatever you do, KEEP REGULAR Checkups because the Aortic Valve can Tank FAST. Been There, Done That!

SO, if your symptoms worsen, Get Checked Out ASAP.
You may even want to see another surgeon.

We have at least a dozen Radiation Survivors on VR.com (do a SEARCH for Hodgkins or Radiation and you will find LOTS of discussion on the subject). See the STORIES section and read about Johnny Stephens experience.

Most Radiation Survivors are advised to go with a Mechanical Valve from the get-go because the surgeons KNOW that there will be a LOT of Radiation related Scar Tissue to deal with and that a repeat surgery is VERY HIGH RISK, especially on the same valve.

I too am very impressed with the On-X Valves and have requested an On-X valve for my upcoming Mitral Valve Replacement. Feel free to contact Catheran Burnett at MCRI (manufacturer of On-X valves) at 888-339-8000 ext. 265 for further information. As a former Surgical Nurse at Baylor, she REALLY know her stuff about valves! She sent me an extensive information package that I found very informative.

I highly recommend that you have regular evaluations for Coronary Artery Disease and continued Echocardiograms to check ALL valves for signs of stenosis or regurgitation.

Dr. Lytle at the Cleveland Clinic is their Radiation Guru and operated on our member "Perkicar" not too long ago.

'AL Capshaw' (CABG / bypass, AVR, upcoming MVR)
Welcome Mark!!! Hi to Everyone!!!!

Welcome Mark!!! Hi to Everyone!!!!

Hey Mark!!!!:D
Welcome to this wonderful site!!! I joined just awhile ago and find everyone sooooo helpful and pleasant. St. Mary's has a fabulous reputation, its got the newest equiment, up-to-date facilities and great doctors. I live just outside Cambridge, in the country, near St. George, with my super husband, Cam and four cats. It sounds like you're going from pillar to post with this valve replacement business. I'd suggest another opinion-London Health Sciences Centre is where I've been and can express nothing but praise for them.
I see there are lots of questions about which valve to choose.....the very reason I logged on today-any experiences of members with the various valves out there would be very welcome. I know it will be mechaical, but DON'T want to hear it clicking away everytime I go to bed. I'm also afraid of another bout of Septicaemia/Endocarditis, as I've had three "near misses" already and seem to be a "bacteria magnet". Has anyone had trouble with post-op valve infections??? I hope my Cardiac Surgeon doesn't change his mind, as my TEE showed a great deal of valve damage/vegetation, but, aside from being constantly tired and short of breath when I walk a block, I actually look fine. I have friends who can't believe what I've gone through as my outward physical appearance is no different than before. Listening to my heart mumur is a different story. My appointment with the Surgeon in London is next Monday, and I have no idea what to expect with regard to time, date of surgery etc. I'm a wreck!! Who wants to have open heart surgery??? Not me, but I can't live with this low energy level much longer as, normally, I am very active. I hope you get things straightened around soon Mark, keep us up to date!!! Its awful to be in "CARDIAC LIMBO".
Take Good Care, All
Braveheart4 :)
Hi Mark,

I don't have a similar situation, but it's not the first time I've heard that the Card and Surgeon may disagree on the course of action. Hopefully, when they connect they will discuss their reasons and come to an agreement on next steps. If not, you'll need a second opinion to break the impass. At the end of the day, it's the Surgeon who will decide whether he/she will perform the OHS. Even though my Card was confident in his diagnosis that I needed a mitral valve repair, he did tell me when he made the referral to the surgeon that the surgeon will decide whether to proceed with OHS or not, and the procedure required (repair, replace, etc).


Hi, Mark!

I had an 6 months echo 10 days ago. I have enlarged LV 62mm/44mm (limits are 55/40) and 50% EF, no symptomatic. With this larger heart they told me "Hmm, you have to time a surgery this year"...! I tought that results were more frightening! Anybody knows something about it?

Hi Mark

Hi Mark

I had my aortic valve replaced at St Marys in Kitchener. My surgeon was Dr Salasidis. I dont know about other hospitals but the people there are top notch (I cant say anything but good stuff about them).