hypokalemia and fainting spells.

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hello, all, and sorry about the absense. My oldest son decided to put a password on our internet, and then forgot what it was...we had to get a new computer because it was a content control password, and we couldn't figure out how to get the password off. Cost us over $900. Ouch. Anwywas, back to the subject,

Until recently, I was healthy, and looked that way. Now I look like a pale, skinny, bag of bones. I found out what was going on last week. I was closing the car up after grocery shopping, and bringing everything in, and I stopped to look up at the sky, and all the sudden I felt the warming sensation come over my body. We have these wooden things(railroad ties) that separate our driveway and this huge spot that we have to park in, and that's where I was standing. The next thing I knew, I was laying in the driveway. I sat up and was in a lot of PAIN. Thank goodness my INR was low or I would have bled out. Kevin came out looking for me, and when he saw me, he started helping me toward the house, and then when he saw my head( there was a ton of blood gushing out. Long story short, I have bruises on the left sid of my entire body, and a hole in the back of my head. My potassium levels are at like 100's. Oh yeah, I am also anemic. I eat peanut butter and fish and all those other foods like there's no tomorrow. The only potassium high food I don't like is bananas. Well, I better get going.
Hi Joy,

Sorry you are having problems. How did they measure your potassium level? The scale I'm familiar with is usually reported as a single digit, decimal, and another single digit like 3.0 or 4.5 or something similar to that. Potassium imbalances can be very very problematic and I hope you are getting appropriate treatment.
Joy, you have been through so much. We just can't have you popping out in the driveway - very undignified, you know.

hypo-what? Most young women are anemic anyway, but the word you used is unfamiliar to me. Sounds like you were in a truly dangerous situation. Good thing Kevin was at home! Keep us posted, hear?

And eat all those things they tell you to eat.
Hi Joy,

Happy to see you:)

Though..... I am very sorry you are having concerns.

Ask your docs about the about RX "Chromagen" it's an iron supplement. I have been on it since surgery. It's a soft gel cap...easy on the digestive track. It keeps me at the the lower limits of normal.

I have always been anemic. Valve disease can do this..encoupled with heavy heavy monthly cycles from the Coumadin.

They offered me a hysterectomy and or uterine abalation. At this point....seem to be having a 'good streak'. Have been passing on that surgery for over a year. Just not ready for it as I can remain stable with the iron at this point.

You had mentioned a hysterctomy or ablation I beleive? Did you have the surgery? Sounds like you are in need!

Take care and keep us posted.
Hi Joy-

Joe has his potassium levels checked out frequently, as his can fluctuate a lot. His cardiologist is very particular about the level. Hopefully your doctors will be keeping a close eye on it. The numbers I am familiar with are those mentioned by Betty. Joe is also anemic and takes three different things to keep his under control, iron pills, folic acid (prescription strength), and Procrit shots 3 times a week.

What are your doctors doing about your anemia? That's very important to get under control. You also mentioned your INR was low, what's going there?

I'm sorry that you're having these problems. It must be so hard with the little ones and all.

Take care,

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