My husband was diagnosed as pre-diabetic a few weeks ago and put on the South beach diet. He has also been working 12 hours a day for the past 3 weeks and lifing weights at night. Because of all these changes he had his INR checked early and the results are in 1.5. He takes 7.5 coumadin 4 days a week and 6.0, 3 days a week. The nurse said to take 7.5, 7 days a week. This is not quite a 10% increase and she said to recheck in 2 weeks. I said no that he would take 10.5 1 day a week abd 7.5 6 days a week this is nearly a 20% increase and he would retest Monday. I called him at work and told him to take a 7.5 and split a 6 and take that for his regular dose. The nurse said her husband used to be on coumadin, I wonder if she killed him with her dosing skills. This has been a bad week, on Monday we found out his Mechanical valve is leaking more than last years echo showed. But,because he feels so well they will retest in one year unless he has any symptons. Did I do right on the dosing? We have 7.5 and 6 and I was trying to use those for his increase.