hurricanes not gone when the wind stops!

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
I received this bit of news tonight in my radio e-news. It is true all over Florida. Some friends were struck by 3 separate hurricanes.

Aftermath of Ivan Taking a Physical Toll on Pensacola

In Pensacola, it has been four weeks since Hurricane Ivan hit, but area hospitals continue to deal with the effects of the storm. As reported in the Pensacola News Journal, many Pensacola residents have suffered chain-saw cuts from trimming trees, or they have head injuries after falling from roofs. Bee stings and snake bites are also common as residents continue the cleanup. Dr. John Leker, an emergency-room physician at Gulf Breeze Hospital, said he is stunned at the volume of injuries. Leker has worked many hurricanes and other disasters, including the World Trade Center attacks on September 11, 2001. Leker said the amount of injuries are directly related to the amount of damage and consequently, there are a lot of injuries. Although the patient load is beginning to lighten, several hospital officials are worried that the physical and mental toll from Ivan?s aftermath (well, I lost this part but you can guess it's not over yet).

I totally understand. When Fran's eye hit Raleigh we were big news for a few days. What people didn't know is how long it affected our lives after the news cameras left for the "next big story". When Floyd flooded out eastern Carolina most of the injuries and deaths came after the storm was gone as people decided it was safe to drive across flooded streets. People were homeless for over a year from those floods and lived in government issued mobile units like the ones schools use (basically a big box). I hope things get back to normal soon so ya'll can enjoy your fall/winter weather.

P.S. Haven't heard from Yaps you know if she's ok?
A little Cheer Up....

A little Cheer Up....

Hi Hensy,

How's ya feelin sweetie? I hope you are doing alot better and I am glad to see ya getting back into the swing of that keyboard of yours...please know that things haven't been too great in my world lately either...I am now having to deal with Pulmonary Hypertension, and wow does it ever wipe a person out and quickly!! I hope I will be getting into see a PH specialist soon, but as my typical bad luck runs, I am having a real hassle with my primary doctor's nurse aboout this...Just wanted you to know that I have been wondering how you have been and praying that your healing quickly....Take Care, Harrybaby666 :D :D :D

P.S. See what they did to me when I was in the ER last week? LOL How Dare they...LOL
I saw a newspiece about the emotional toil it's taking on people. It's very sad.

Yaps is on Yahoo pretty frequently. I've thought she wasn't posting very much, but she is ok according to her Messenger.
Harry, I tried to replay to your other thread but my server just wouldn't send. You are in my prayers.

As for me, I am dealing a day at a time. Grand Jury was yesterday so it just goes on and on. We'll never get used to it.

But I am around. I check in about once a day to keep up w/everybody.

Tks for asking. You stay as well as you can, hear?
Hi Hensy

Hi Hensy

I am sorry it took so long to reply to this post, but it's been crazy up here in my world, between the health problems and the "problem downstairs neighbor" problem...(thankfullly, my landlord evicted her and I don't have to move...Yay!!!) I am keeping you and your family in my prayers and I am wishing that this man gets the justice he deserves. Take Care, Harrybaby666 :D :D :D

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