Hurricane Advice

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tobagotwo Supporter
Supporting Member
Feb 10, 2004
Central NJ
I thought since the season is here, and the first is in the home stretch for the Gulf Coast, we could benefit from the wisdom and experience in this Florida man's advice:

Having lived in Florida for over 47 years, I thought I'd pass on my experience.

You all should be aware of hurricane preparations, but in case you need a refresher course: We're about to enter the peak of the hurricane season. Any minute now, you're going to turn on the TV and see a weather person pointing to some radar blob out in the Atlantic Ocean and making two basic meteorological points.

(1) There is no need to panic.
(2) We could all be killed.

Yes, hurricane season is an exciting time to be in Florida. If you're new to the area, you're probably wondering what you need to do to prepare for the possibility that we'll get hit by "the big one."

Based on our insurance industry experiences, we recommend that you follow this simple three-step hurricane preparedness plan:

STEP 1: Buy enough food and bottled water to last your family for at least three days.

STEP 2: Put these supplies into your car.

STEP 3: Drive to Nebraska and remain there until Halloween.

Unfortunately, statistics show that most people will not follow this sensible plan. Most people will foolishly stay here in Florida. We'll start with one of the most important hurricane preparedness items:

HOMEOWNERS' INSURANCE: If you own a home, you must have hurricane insurance.
Fortunately, this insurance is cheap and easy to get, as long as your home meets two basic requirements:

(1) It is reasonably well-built, and
(2) It is located in Wisconsin

Unfortunately, if your home is located in Florida, or any other area that might actually be hit by a hurricane, most insurance companies would prefer not to sell you hurricane insurance, because then they might be required to pay YOU
money, and that is certainly not why they got into the insurance business in the first place. So you'll have to scrounge around for an insurance company,
which will charge you an annual premium roughly equal to the replacement value of your house. At any moment, this company can drop you like used dental floss.


Your house should have hurricane shutters on all the windows, all the doors.
There are several types of shutters, with advantages and disadvantages:

Plywood shutters: The advantage is that, because you make them yourself, they're cheap.

Sheet-metal shutters: The advantage is that these work well, once you get them all up. The disadvantage is that once you get them all up, your hands will be useless bleeding stumps, and it will be December.

Roll-down shutters: The advantages are that they're very easy to use, and will definitely protect your house. The disadvantage is that you will have to sell your house to pay for them.

Hurricane-proof windows: These are the newest wrinkle in hurricane protection:
They look like ordinary windows, but they can withstand hurricane winds! You can be sure of this, because the salesman says so. He lives in Nebraska.

Hurricane Proofing your property: As the hurricane approaches, check your yard for movable objects like barbecue grills, planters, patio furniture, visiting relatives, etc... you should, as a precaution, throw these items into your swimming pool (if you don't have a swimming pool, you should have one built immediately). Otherwise, the hurricane winds will turn these objects into deadly missiles.


If you live in a low-lying area, you should have an evacuation route planned out. (To determine whether you live in a low-lying area, look at your driver's license; if it says "Florida," you live in a low-lying area.) The purpose of having an evacuation route is to avoid being trapped in your home when a major storm hits. Instead, you will be trapped in a gigantic traffic jam several miles from your home, along with two hundred thousand other evacuees. So, as a bonus, you will not be lonely.


If you don't evacuate, you will need a mess of supplies. Do not buy them now! Florida tradition requires that you wait until the last possible minute, then go to the supermarket and get into vicious fights with strangers over who gets the last can of cat food. In addition to food and water, you will need the following supplies:

23 flashlights. At least $167 worth of batteries that turn out, when the power goes off, to be the wrong size for the flashlights.

Bleach. (No, I don't know what the bleach is for. NOBODY knows what the bleach is for, but it's traditional, so GET some!)

A big knife that you can strap to your leg. (This will be useless in a hurricane, but it looks cool.)

A large quantity of raw chicken, to placate the alligators. (Ask anybody who went through Andrew; after the hurricane, there WILL be irate alligators.)

$35,000 in cash or diamonds so that, after the hurricane passes, you can buy a generator from a man with no discernible teeth.
Of course these are just basic precautions. As the hurricane draws near, it is vitally important that you keep abreast of the situation by turning on your television if you have a generator that's working to keep the TV going and watching TV reporters in rain slickers stand right next to the ocean and tell you over and over how vitally important it is for everybody to stay away from the ocean.

Good luck and remember: It's great living in Paradise.

When I first saw your title I thought "Bend over, put your head between your legs and kiss your A** goodbye" :D :D . I think I like yours better :D .

Hope everyone has a safe season. Up here in middle Georgia we don't worry about the hurricane as much as we worry about all the rain and tornados we are likely to get from it. I always love the news reports after a tornado when they find "Bubba" who, in a very, very Southern accent says, "It sounded just like a Freight Train!!!!!! I grabbed my coon Dawg and told the wife and kids to run fer it. :D :D " Why do you think they call them "Mobile Homes"? :D :D :D

The news last night said we were already getting Florida folks up this far in our hotels and motels. Guess a lot of folks learned from last year.

Everyone be safe and,

May God Bless,

Farmers in SE Missouri and across the southern Ohio river valley are praying that Dennis brings rain to us. A hurricane is a curse for most, but a blessing for some.

Why would you want to put your head between your legs just to kiss your animals good bye? ;) ;) ;) Wouldn't it make more sense to try and get them to shelter? :D :p :D :p
Mary said:
Farmers in SE Missouri and across the southern Ohio river valley are praying that Dennis brings rain to us. A hurricane is a curse for most, but a blessing for some.

Why would you want to put your head between your legs just to kiss your animals good bye? ;) ;) ;) Wouldn't it make more sense to try and get them to shelter? :D :p :D :p

During one of them thangs, it's every man, woman, child, dawg, and cat for themself. Remember the one nearest to the bear sometimes gets ate.

If I could I would send all the rain their way. UPS won't forward it. My ground is still wet from the last one. Just makes the grass grow which makes me have to cut it more. Where are them goats????????

May God Bless,

Hoping like mad Florida has a really quiet hurricane season as we will be over there in 4 weeks!
I KNOW that many Bubba's and other Nascar Fans..are very upset.....Last week..Cindy's rains came into Georgia..destroying..the Atlanta Raceway.. :eek: Atlanta news confirmed it was a tornado... :eek: Condo's were ruined there, too...They are hoping for the Grandstands to be repaired by October..when next Nascar Race is due to run there.........I have many friends that live down there..including Ann's (Henslyee)daughter.....where Ann is now there.....We all worry about Fla..with Hurricanes .but remember the tornado's that spin off with them.....We may not lose out homes..but do lose LOTS of trees, ect...Cutting off power for days... Atlanta has many trees...that do much damage to homes when they fall... :eek: As many roofs as Fla..are gone.. :eek: .....Let's all pray..that Dennis does NOT do as much damage as Ivan did.... :eek: Also, please remember that I have an age 90 year old Daddy..that lives alone.. Looks like Dennis will make landfall near Mobile..then come straight up near his house..100 miles away North...and he has Large Oak trees over his house. :eek: ....He lost a huge limb..with Ivan ..thank came down the side of house..and Not over his bedroom. :eek: Without power ect for 3 days... He is very healthy..but many Elderly are not as lucky... needing power for O2, ect.....Homes can be replaced..but..Not lives..Bonnie
Usn's here in Illinois want a share of that Dennis rain. Am holding my breath to see if it gets this far north before trekking east.

Hope all of you Floridians and assorted other southerners don't have much damage/mess from Dennis.

Oh, yeah - any word on "tropical depression that will be Emily"?


Be careful what you pray for...Local Atlanta News is on now..Helicopters flying over..Flooding EVERYWHERE.....All over Atlanta..Homes under water.. Six flags over now..Six Flags Under water..Bad for this time of year..Many people will have to cancel their vacation plans..One man was killed this a.m. when a tree fell on his house while he was in bed. :eek: ....I'm sure it will be on national news tonight..and forecast is for Rain all week in Georgia.. :eek: Last year..we lost a beautiful little girl..near where I live..Playing in water..near a Culvert..She dropped her Fast Food toy and was trying to get it... :( :( :( Older sister called 911. but all county Emergency personel were unable to get in there to get her.. :( :( :( .This was a small stream of water that passed their trailer....and swelled that fast. :eek: Atlanta news is still talking about roads closed, ect... I think I heard that more deaths come from after Hurricanes..Flooding... Weather channal is saying that Dennis will probably stall in Ohio Valley. :eek: Would like to hear from other members that live in MO..Kentucky and Indiana..where I think they are having heavy rain now...Bonnie
I think you'll get this rain. Springfield is about 4 hours Northeast of us, and the projections I've seen on the weather updates show it extending almost into Chicago.

The rain started here during the night and has been steady but heavy/ moderate throughout. The forecast is for 3" TODAY, with the greatest rainfall scheduled to fall tomorrow and into Wednesday. I believe there will be enough rain this time for everyone to get a much needed drink. :)

I hate that things are so bad down there. You all are taking a major soaking from Dennis right after Cindy made her way through. I'll pray that it moves on out of there and spreads itself over all the Midwest. Aren't you glad it isn't snow? They say one inch of rain is equal to 10 inches of the white stuff. :eek: :eek:
More news from Atlanta

More news from Atlanta

T.V. station just interviewed a woman who said that she and her hubby..had to SWIM to their horse stalls and rescue 48 horses and move them to higher ground.... :eek: They were neighing (Sp) loud it woke them up... :eek: Will glad to hear again from Yaps and Ann (hensyle) to hear how their homes fared.. :( :( :( and other members in south Ga...Bonnie
Rain has started here a little. Expecting more later tonight & tomorrow. We needed it but I sure hate the gray skies. :(
gadgetman said:
Where are them goats????????
MadDoc at got them all. I found this one trying desperately to get away from him.....



Thanks for your e-mail..GLAD yall are home..Did you lose your power? Daddy did..Ruined his food..but Brother went and got new food today...We just had a large thunderstorm about an hour ago..Still rough going here in North Georgia... :eek: :eek: Atlanta cannot stand anymore rain.. :eek: How are others in Ohio Valley doing? Mo. Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois? bonnie
As some of you know, I was reared in Miami - been through many hurricanes all my life. They are ALWAYS serious business. We were delayed in getting home to check out our home and animals. Thankfully all are ok. Our power was back on, we lost no food this time, no trees down, unlike Atlanta where we were. We were stuck for two extra days in Sharpsburg, Ga (just s of Atlanta). The rains came - and came - and came. There was a 36 y.0 man sleeping in his upstairs bedroom - a tree crashed through his roof killing him. His wife and children had gone to the basement. In Buck's Head (Atlanta) a car lot was completely under water. A house had water up to it's roof (many houses, as a matter of fact, were covered in water). The street behind daughter's house was totally closed off due to water/floods.

The rivers up in GA will flood and the floods will come down to the gulf of Mexico and we will have problems from that.

On the way home today, we passed many, many Army vehicles and power trucks on the way to make repairs down this way.

If you are ever in/near a hurricane, don't mess around with it, nor kid around about it. They are terrible and dangerous. The winds are relentless and you look outside believing they are never going to stop blowing.

There was a storm related death a few miles away from my home - a family trying to leave backed over their 3 y.o. child.

If you need rain, you might not want the ones accompanying a hurricane. They might kill you.

We are glad to be home - but there are TWO more gathering down in the Caribbean. We really don't want them. I hope you don't get them, or any part of them, either.

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