HP and Compaq Owners Beware--Windows XP SP2

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Well all of you with HP or Compaq computers, listen up. I just did a stupid thing and updated to SP2 without checking the manufacturers site. MISTAKE! You need to go to the site and update a few things BEFORE installing SP2. Don't do a bonehead play like I just did. Now I gotta see if I can get this off and put the patches on first.

Thought I'd warn you all in case someone is overzealous like me and makes this major boo boo.
OK Ross

OK Ross

You're officially off of my IT geek list! :D ;)
I have a Compaq

I have a Compaq

What is a SP2?...Smarty Pants 2 :p :p Hope I never need one... :D Bonnie
SP2 is "service pack 2". It's a bunch of updates bundled together that Microsoft is putting out for XP. I believe I read that they spent over 1 billion dollars putting this together to correct all of the security vulnaribilities in XP.

Basically, they released XP when it was still in beta testing (some will argue it was in alpha testing :D).


You are sooo smart. :D But, I hope you have a big mop ready..to go over and mop out your parents beach house when Charley comes up the Eastern N.C. coast tomorrow. :eek: ..Really hope all of you, Tiggergirl, too..this misses you all...Bonnie
I've been reading the paper more during my "semi-retirement". :D

Looks like Bonnie spared us...still got an eye to the sky for Charlie. :rolleyes:
Shame on HP for not notifying thier customers not to run SP2 before you get some updates from them.

Most SP's can be uninstalled via the ad/remove programs in the Control Panel, hopefully you let the install make a backup file. I usally don't backup when making new images at work and it kinda of backfired on me--I was into about the 50th update on one machine when it completely crashed and I had to start from scratch---grrrrr. Also be aware that some updates and SP's have their own updates and they won't show up until the orginal update has been installed--you have to keep running the Windows Updater untill no new updates appear.

Spent this past week updating about 100 machine to Window XP--a warning to all of you using XP, it is much fussier about hardware than older versions of windows--several of our old and moldly rebuilds have refused to run XP untill we replace whatever it has taken umbrigde to--so Monday I will be replacing some CD players, floppy drives, and even some hard drives. (Microsoft sure gives me a lot of job security. :D )

Good luck at undoing your boo boos Ross

I know Microsoft have been raving on about their SP2 upgrade as it was meant to solve lots of security problems with the poor Microsoft firewall, however it seems that Microsofts burning need to be able to have access to 'your' harddrive when they want has left their new firewall with whopping great holes that can easily be hacked if you know how eg by Microsoft or others. If security is the reason you are upgrading to SP2 then you are better off using a third party firewall.

... for me I will just stick with using Linux ... more stable ... more secure ... free ... and yes easy to use :)

LtcdData (Peachy's other half)

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