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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2003
Boulder, CO
Just a quick note to say "hi" and all is well. Surgery began approximately 72 hours ago, and I just bugged the nurse to get me off telemetry and sneak down to the ICU floor to use their computer. Have been up and walking for two days now. Feel like a new person!! No complications, no fribulation, perfect repair, no regurge. . .what more can a girl ask for? I will most likely be discharged tomorrow morning, just have a chest x-ray tonight for final clearance. Off all meds, no swelling, etc. Who wouldda thought??

My fifteen minutes of "off floor" time is up. Sorry to not be able to read and reply to more posts. Maybe in a couple of days when I read PA and get stuff set up. Ross, if you are gonna call, better call before tomorrow!!

All the best,

Hey lady, I just called Jodi's phone cause your status page says NO PHONE CALLS! I'm calling as soon as I can here. ;)

Should I give you time to get back to your room or should I make you run for the phone? :D

The perfect surgery! How wonderful for you. So good to hear from you. Keep up the good work. I've been checking, but have beenn unable to add comments. I could get to the guestbook, but not comments for some reason, may be a block on my computer at work. But just wanted to let you know you have been in our thoughts. And for someone in the waiting room, you are truly an inspiration!

Keep on healing!
And, Melissa:

Your post shouldn't be in Small Talk, we need a new subject heading, something like "Great News".

Even post-surgery doesn't quite cut it!
Melissa - Congratulations on the perfect surgery. Of course, Cosgrove is a great surgeon. You made a good decision to pick him. But did you actually get to talk to him? Now that would be a great feat.
I just got off the phone with my Evil Sister and I gotta say she sounds absolutely fantastic! She should be a poster child for the perfect surgery. Wish we all had them go like hers did. I'm really looking forward to talking with her again sometime in the future.

Her friend Jodi left yesterday which is why the status page isn't or hasn't been updated. Boo Hoo for me. I had to find that out from Melissa.

Cheers Woman! Outstanding :D
Bill, she said yes, she did get to meet and talk with Dr. Cosgrove before surgery. I guess she had to wait awhile, but she did get to see him. I hear he said he could install a bovine valve if need be, but she'd better not Moo when surgery was over. Thank goodness hers was repaired.
What a surprise to see melissa posting! I'm so happy for you. Everything you wished and hoped for. It's just great!

No stopping you now.
Hey Melissa,
Welcome Back! Now it is all downhill from here. Take Care of yourself and thanks for posting and keeping us up to date.

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical 27mm
Heart Center of the Rockies
Good to hear from you Melissa. Hurry up and get back on line. We need you to get back to work and goof off. We haven't had nearly enough goof offs for a while now, and some of us are having withdrawal symptoms. Chris
Great News, Melissa!

Great News, Melissa!

Melissa -

Great news - glad you're up an around, and thanx for the post! Absence of fib is great! They do a nice job there, don't they? When reviewing my ultrasound, my local card was very complimentary of the work, and cited absence of "collateral damage" to the heart.

Have a good trip home!

Thanks for all of your replies! Time to start goofing off around here again, heh? The past two days were spent checking out of CCF and driving back to PA. Y'all probably wouldn't believe me if I said I had just thrown a load of laundry in the washer then climbed a flight of stairs to reach the computer - without hardly a winded breath. (What kind of wonder-drug did they stick in that valve, anyway. . .?? :D And before you start in. . .I am promising NOT to overdo it. = )

Cosgrove came in a few minutes before scrubbing up to chat - I forwent the preop "relaxers" in order to be able to speak with him. Really just wanted to meet the legend and the inventor of the ring that now sits in my heart (the Cosgrove-Edwards ring), and was pleasantly surprised to find he had a sense of humor! Ross accurately described our interchange, where I said he could implant a bovine valve if I didn't wake up "mooing", to which he replied, "I've had a few wake up with the urge to started chewing on grass, but no one has mooed yet!". Too funny! The pre-op team said that only a Catholic nun had a appeared more calm during pre-op. . .must have been all of your good vibes coming through and keeping me steady. :)

So. . .back to business. Thanks again for all of your support and good cheer during this time. Let's turn the vibe on Betty and see if we can't make it two-for-two on terrific surgery runs!

Over and out,

Welcome back Melissa!

Welcome back Melissa!

It's nice to hear of your good report and hope to soon add mine. It just sounds like your surgery could not have gone better. I hope you stick around though because your zest for life permeates your posts and I would miss you.
I'm assuming you drove to PA. How long did it take for you to get there? I'd love to see that territory again sometime. It was beautiful when I was last there.

Oh if only all of surgeries went as well as yours did. I still can't believe it! Your something else sis. ;)

Me thinks you need to change part of your signature now. :D
Hi Melissa

Hi Melissa

Soooo glad everything went well for you..Just take it easy and let that sternum heal. You can throw clothes in washer but don't lift them out.:eek: :eek: Wet clothes are heavy... nap, walk and breathe...that thing.:p :p :p and take pain meds before you need them:p :p Bonnie (Loving my new body):D :D Was afraid Ross would change it before you got back on line:p Bonnie
Hey Melissa-

What are you doing??? You're just not supposed to be feeling that well. Let's see, you had surgery on the 18th and today is the 23rd, that's 5 days.

In spite of your feeling so well, please take care. You've got to heal inside.

I'm very happy to hear that you are feeling great!
I am so happy for you Melissa

I am so happy for you Melissa

You "sound" wonderful! I hope that you continue to do well. I will try to follow in your footsteps when it is my turn;)

Keep up the good work!

:D :D
Your amazing girl!

Your amazing girl!

Congratulations! At this rate I fully expect to be meeting you in Chicago this fall!

All the best to you during recovery and beyond. And, yes, take it easy. It will sneak up on if you are not careful! Been there. ;)