How to clean your toilet!

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1. Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8 cup
of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl.

2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry
him towards the bathroom

3. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the
toilet and close both lids. You may need to stand
on the lid.

4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds.

Never mind the noises that come from the toilet,
the cat is actually enjoying this.

5. Flush the toilet three or four
times. This provides a "power-wash" and rinse".

6. Have someone open the front door of your home.
Be sure that there are no people between the
bathroom and the front door.

7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and
quickly lift both lids.

8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak
through the bathroom, and run outside where he
will dry himself off.

9. Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling

Sincerely, The Dog
That's pretty cute!
Thing is I no longer have a dog let alone a cat.
Can I substitute HER for this job??
Oh and one more thing,if she sees this then you may never hear from me again because I will be dead. :eek:

I was thinking about bathing a Persian when I get home from work today. Shaved him (Oster clippers) again last night. I looked like a sheep shearer!

Toilet might be easier than the kitchen or garage sink. Instead of rinse cycle, would that be a flush cycle?
Marsha, you are a brave woman! I don't think I'll ever try to bathe another cat...too many scratches.
It's actually much easier than most people think -- provided, of course, you trim the claws first. :D (BTW, we have a show rule that cats' claws must be trimmed on all 4 paws before the show, so it's easiest to do the trimming before the shampooing.)

Shampooing cats isn't that hard. I have had very few problems in the 15 years I've been showing cats.
Shorthair cats are the easiest to bathe -- fewer shampooings, usually 2 or 3, rather than maybe 5 or more for a Persian. That's why you shave down those suckers when you get through showing 'em. It's mostly pet owners who want to keep 'em in coat.
Another persian cat lover.

Another persian cat lover.

Hi Marsha, :)

I don't do shows but I have three persians cats and they are there for my pleasure. I adore all cats though. My three persians are 13 years old and are spoiled rotten. Had 4 persians three months ago but had to put my cameo colored, wonderful "Ralphie" to sleep. He was almost 17 1/2. It broke my heart. He was so beautiful and was told that every day of his long life. Take a look at my avator and that picture is the spitting image of my Raphie. I just loved it when I came upon that picture :D :D .
Anyway, I am about the shave my three persians as they are shedding like mad. Over the past few years I haven't had the energy to groom them myself and had someone come to the house. The last time I had him come though (March) he did a terrible job and I don't want him to touch my cats again. Because it is so expensive to have someone come to the house I want to start doing it myself again. Used to bath (mine have the front claws declawed) and blow dry all 4 of them in one morning, but I never shaved them. They were too beautiful. I wanted to show them off and kept them brushed all the time. Now I find it difficult to keep up with the brushing and the every day vacuuming.
Anyone here see Garfield yet in theaters?

Just wondering. =)

Was a great movie, our 4 year old son loved it.

Tori is a bit of a long haired cat. We don't DARE try to bathe either one of our cats because it's hard enough trying to trim their claws without getting all gashed up.

And now, with me being on the mighty coumadin.... Oy!

Tori does get brushing fairly often and he's quite content to just sit and be while you work on him. The other cat, Matilda, doesn't care for grooming much and takes care of most of it herself....

Once upon a time my brother was trying to potty train his cat... Dunno how that ever worked out though.

I guess the trick is NOT to let them fall into the toilet even once. If they fall in, they'll never even attempted to get up to do anything other than jump to the window by the john..

If you have a window there that is.

It's a favorite perching spot for our cats.
I used to have to sneak up on my cats and clip their claws when they were sleeping. I could usually get about 2 paws done, then had to wait until they fell asleep again to finish the job..! :D

A : )
Hey Marsha

Hey Marsha

I have a long haired boy who mats faster than I can brush him. Do you clip your persians to the skin? Will he get enough hair back by fall so he won't get cold? All of my previous and current cats were/are short hairs and I've never had this problem before. I have a good Oster clipper and used to clip my poodles when I was a teenager. This boy (a stray I adopted last winter) is huge but all four feet declawed (can you imagine doing that to a cat? declawing all four feet then dumping him outside???? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: ) And he doesn't seem to have a problem with the electric clipper (I've clipped off the mats and he's pretty laid back about it)

Do you leave the tails full? And do you clip from like the base of the ears all the way back?

Thanks for the info.
My cat is a huge cat that never goes outside. I do trim his nails but only while he is sleeping. He's a mess to hold down if he doesn't want something done. I can't imagine giving him a bath! The reason he stays inside all the time is because I have a blue heeler that hates cats and he's almost caught him several times by accident so I just keep him in.
I wondered if anybody would mention the Duck!! He prefers pigeons, mice, bats (!), greenfinches, that kind of thing - no respect for wildlife at all!!!
GemmaJ said:
How to toilet train a cat:
Tiger goes outside, generally in the neighbour's garden :eek: but I've got a great photo of him somewhere, will see if I can find it later...

My Penelope taught herself to do #1 - now, if she'd just do #2 and then flush, that would be nice.

We don't know how she taught herself, just found her sitting there during wee hours and thought the faucet was on - not. Sometimes, early morning, she gets in line and waits her turn. We don't know why the other three can't pick it up.
Cats and dogs

Cats and dogs

I've always loved cats and my daughter Bruna is the same. Unfortunately, we had to give Boris to a man we knew because Bruna is highly allergic to flea bites. We've now had a doxie for eight months and she's really cute. I take her to the clinic for baths every few weeks. Her name is Milady and I'll try and post a photo of her and Boris soon.

Débora from Brazil
Bathing my pets

Bathing my pets

I thought of this thread this afternoon as I gave my pet, Scoot, a thorough bathing. Scoot is a red earred slider and I stuck him in an empty wheelbarrow filled with water and proceeded to use a toothbrush on his shell. Scoot didn't appreciate my efforts and kept trying to bite me. Since he is about 8 inches long, and pretty good size for a pet turtle, a bite can really be a bad deal.

However, I'm unsure whether I want to take a bite from the turtle or from my other pet.

The other pet has no name. He's usually called idiot or ignoramous. "He" is the green iguana I took because I felt sorry for him four years ago. "He" is currently in one of his wild spells since I didn't handle him enough over the school year. He spends most of his time lunging and jumping at me when I feed him (thus the name idiot or ignoramous).

I have spent the past two weeks sitting outside with him as he gets a bath --also in the empty wheelbarrow. We sit for an hour in the hot sun because I think he needs the sunshine. When I get him out, I wrap him in a towel and hold him until he dries. He is starting to tame down again with the handling. "He" is about three feet long with tremendously sharp claws and awful looking teeth.

For seventeen years, every week, I bathed and dried our poodle. It's hard to decide which is the worst to bathe. Hmmmm. Glad I don't have to do anything special to the fish.
Also had a pet rabbit that used a litter box but I rarely gave him a bath!