How much did your pacemaker cost?

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Hi All,
I posted this question in a different forum and it was suggested that I start a new thread on this topic, so here I am.

My recently retired sister decided to spend the winter in Naples, Florida for the first time, and unfortunately she ended up in the hospital there after a fainting spell and a severe diverticulitis infection. While hospitalized to get her infection under control, the docs discovered that her heart rate was dropping to dangerously low levels necessitating a pacemaker....hence the fainting spells (she thought that everyone faints now and then and was amazed to find out that no one in our family has ever fainted and certainly not multiple times like she has!!!).

Anyway, she was hospitalized for a week and her bill was $120,000!!!! Basically she was treated for infection and she had a pacemaker implanted. She requested an itemized bill and discovered that she was billed for the pacemaker at the rate of $60,000 (I guess this would be the parts versus the labor part of the bill). I was appalled. My two valves cost $6000 apiece, and my total bill for OHS was $93,000 two years ago. Now I know that the pacemaker is a little computer and all, but it seems really outrageous. When one considers how much the cost of computers has come down, it is really hard to imagine that a pacemaker would cost $60,000. We are really hoping that this is a billing error!

So my question to all of you sporting pacemakers is, how much did yours cost???

Thanks in advance for your input!

Susan, $60K does sound high, but it sounds like some dual rate pacers go for more than that. Go to and search on "cost" or "pacemaker cost" and read some of the threads. Then do a Google on "pacemaker cost". Sounds to me like the typical is around $10K but some are even less than that. But some are more (way more). One thread I found on had a guy that said it cost $125K for his (including the procedure and hospitalization). My bill was never broken out where I could figure out what anything cost, so I can't tell you what my pacer cost. But I don't think mine cost anywhere near $60K. I guess they vary in price depending upon what features they have, etc. You might want to pose the same question on
I think mine was around 49,000 if I remember right. I will look and get back to you if im wrong- I could be way wrong.
Susan, this may make you and your sister envious. Over the years 5 pacemakers and several leads have cost £0. The good old National Health Service will provide for free :).

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