Hello, everyone. This is my first post. Thanks to this site I have learned a lot already that I haven't found elsewhere in the internet. I can't help wondering why so many young people here? - I am 84. I have lots of comorbidities so I am not looking forward to the aortic valve replacement which is coming up within two months. I don't have a date yet. I live 100 miles from the hospital where this will be done and mainly I am thinking about how to go about the more practical parts of this procedure. For example, I have just had a knee replacement postponed because of this, due to a previous ski injury. I get up and down by pushing myself up with my arms, so as not to put weight on my knee. That, from what I read here will be impossible after the event. I have one child on the east coast and one on the west coast with a third living a ferry ride and long drive away. Of course they all say they will help me, but I feel that they don't know how weak I will be afterwards, or how long recovery can be - another thing I found out here. Thanks for this website where I can at least read about how others solved their problems. I live in Canada.