How long did you take before you

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2006
began to do things that made you feel 'normal' again..?
like attend church, or walk the mall or grocery store?

My daughter will turn 10 4 weeks to the day after my surgery. I am anticipating some type of celebration for her special double digit day! Not sure what 'normal' activity I may be up to at that point..
any suggestions?
About twelve weeks to feel "normal" where I could go about my regular activities. About nine months to feel completely recovered.

I went home on a Friday and to church the following Sunday....not the smartest thing that I have ever done. I am ten weeks post-op today and I am not near 100%. I have days when I am feeling great and then boom!!! I get hit by a ton of bricks!!! For the past few days I have been leg weary and find myself taking deep breaths.... a bit disheartening. I see my cardio on Thursday so if there is a problem I sould know....I realy think it is just part of the process.

I realy thought I would be back to or better than my old self by now. The post I read say otherwise. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and try not to get down about it (that's hard), it will come in time. I'm counting on it!!!:D


You should be normal enough to sing Happy Birthday and eat cake. :)


Maybe rent a 2 hour time at local skating rink/bowling alley?I know ours has a birthday room..and they will serve pizza, drinks, ect... Order the cake from local bakery...10 year olds love to skate.. 2 hours shouldn't be too much on you....Let family members help with the details.Opening presents, picking up wrapping paper, ect. carrying presents to car, ect.then go home and rest.:) Happy Birthday to your daughter.:) :) Tell her, Mom will be better in another month and maybe we can do a family outing by then..:) ..10 weeks is about the normal timeframe.. for feeling like church, malls, ect..Bonnie
Your not gonna have much stamina at 4 weeks. Plan on dinner in or something close to home.
Hi. I'm at 2 weeks today. Every day I get up between 6 and 7am, shower, dress and putz around. (you know, make coffee, eat a little something, look at the paper, do a few dishes, straighten the bed, get on the computer, read a book, etc.). Nothing strenuous at all. By noon, I am ready for my lunch and a 2 hour nap. Then I'm trying to get out....errand, walk, visit, something, for about 2-3 hours (much of the time sitting down in the car someone else is driving, to get there). THen I come home and lie down abit with the television before dinner (which up until today, someone else has made). After dinner I help clear, get NO second wind, sit and read or watch tv until hopping into bed around 9:30. Then the next day I get up and do it again, amen!

I am hurting much less, I am tiring somewhat less, but what they tell you is absolutely true. Once you are out of is really gone. You have got to lie down or sit down, or something. And it may take a few hours of that to get you back on your feet.

Today I am all by myself and it is lovely! THe help has been wonderful, but even the act of responding to someone intellectually, or graciously is wearing! I cannot imagine trying to entertain a group of 10 year olds anytime soon.

Maybe the thing to do is to have a slumber party! Maybe another mom or friend could come spend the night, too! Then you just order pizza, get plenty of movies and ice cream and let 'em loose!! THey'll poop out and crash eventually. Make sure the parents come early to pick them up the next morning!! Give em Pop Tarts for breakfast!! That way at least you are home. You don't have to do any driving or attending to detail -- you're home. Farm your other child out for the night. Girls are pretty good at keeping themselves amused at slumber least mine was! Just put a limit on like 5 best friends or something. EVERYONE will understand!!

Just a thought!

Honestly, I didn't feel "normal" for close to one year post surgery. Sure, I was able to go back to work after 6 weeks and I went through the cardio rehab, etc., however even with the minimally invasive procedure, there were times I really felt the surgery after working out or times of high career stress.

I remember 6 months post-op, I was in the middle of a 3-day business trip, running through airports, etc. and I had some palps that made me just stop and regroup.

Even as I close in on my 3-year anniversary, I am still very aware of my heartbeat and overall level of energy, where prior to diagnosis and surgery, I didn't even notice.

I guess it's mostly mental at this point. :rolleyes:

How you feel at 4 weeks will depend on how you feel NOW plus, how your surgery goes and how your recovery goes (i.e., any "bumps in the road").

To make things easier on you, plan something away from your home. No cleaning needed before the party and no cleanup afterward. (I'm not a parent, but I was a Camp Fire leader once -- of 2 clubs simultaneously! Had a slumber party at our house and there was Jell-o on the walls, Marksalot marks on the wood floors, etc. Kids were just toooo rowdy.)

A party at some kid-oriented restaurant might be good.

I saw from your personal profile that you like swimming. How about having a swim party for your daughter at a friend's home, a private pool club, a water park, etc.? Not sure if you'd really be able to do much in the water, but you might enjoy sitting in the shallow end or just lying in the sun. You could recruit a couple of your daughter's friends' parents to help you. Plan it as a picnic -- get some food from a grocery deli counter, a cake and some sodas.
At 4 weeks, you'd welcome the outing and getting to lie around in the sun.
I suggest pizza & cake at your home, then send the girls to a movie with someone else. That way you can enjoy the gifts and chatter, but not for more than a couple of hours. After a couple of hours I think you'd start NOT enjoying the chatter.

Or sit your daughter down and tell her how much you can do and make plans with her. Perhaps she'd prefer just one or two friends to stay with her in lieu of a bigger party; and you'd be able to last longer with a small party than a large.
Good luck with your surgery, tomorrow.:) We have given you some pretty good ideas for your daughter's party..BUT, don't promise her anything..until you are 3 weeks out..and see how you feel....Children are really disappointed..when they think they are having something special..and it cannot happen.:eek: My age 13 year old Grandson still gets disappointed if it rains..and I had promised him a waterpark outing, ect.Now, I look at him in the face and say. IF so and so..(weather permiting, ect)I will take you to so and so place..then he's not MY fault.:D Bonnie
I'm almost 8 weeks post op. I was driving after 2 weeks 3 days post op. I set a timeline up for everything I wanted to accomplish for certain weeks but that didn't work. I guess it really depends on your health going in, your age ect. but there are ups and downs. Having a positive attitude always helps in recovery as well. I thought I was recovering fast but last week it hit me hard. I was tired all week and slept most of the week. Heart was jumping around. Ups and downs seems to be the normal life post op for a while to come.
I'm just over three weeks out from AVR and for the first time this weekend I felt somewhat "normal". I helped my wife with the shopping and house cleaning and laundry. I didn't get tired or need to take a nap. Last night I slept in bed for the first time rather than the recliner which had been less painful. Mentally I struggle, at times, with the ramifications of lifelong coumadin therapy, but if it gets me down I realize I'd be dead without it or the surgery.

Best wishes to you,

Happy Birthdays

Happy Birthdays

I had my replacement on 3/31 , My husbands birthday was on April 6,also my release date from the hospital, My daughters' birthday on April 13 and my own on April 18. I had some complications, had to go back to ER for blood and had an infection in my scar. But on April 23rd the whole family gathered at the Japanese resturant our birthday tradition, the whole family bunch all four grandchildren, our children and thier mates. I have to admit I was very tired and ready for bed when I got home, but it was so nice to celebrate another birthday with still more family as each year seems to bring more. I will forever treasure those birthday pictures as I do my life. God has been so wonderful to me 1st in 1990 when I had the bleeding brain aneurysm clipped and now in 2006 with my new clicking AVR. Take it easy what ever you do, just enjoy the day God has blessed you.