How is Lyn???

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Ross, how is Lyn doing?? I don't know if I missed a post, but hopefully, she is fully recovered and back at work now. Wishing you both all the best. :)
Ha, I only wish. No, she will not be going back to work until 7/25. She is to have the stent removed on 7/21 and hopefully, all the pains she is having now with it in, will be gone. She's having a hard time twisting, turning, bending, or doing most normal movement things.

Thanks for asking, but we have a ways to go yet. Without her paychecks, we are literally living on the checking account, so it's hard, but we'll make it.
Sorry, Ross. This senior mind had June 25 set in my mind for return to work, not 7/25. I was rushing time- not something you should do in your Senior years! :) Hope things get better for both of you.
I hope so too! It's been one thing after another, even with her off work, everything seems to be going wrong.

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