How interesting!

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all,

Not sure where to post this, but one of my students whom I've taught as a 10th grader and now is a 12th grader in my class told me that she has MVP after she heard me speak about my valve surgery. Last night was back-to-school night, and I met her mom, who told me that her daughter's cardio is my old pediatric cardio! How weird is that? She'll be turning 18 soon and will need an adult cardio, so I gave her mom Dr. V's number. In fact, my student may need surgery soon to repair her valve as well as to repair a hole in her heart. She's a sweet girl, and I just thought that was so cool. One of my students is the patient of my pediatric cardiologist. :cool: That's not something you see every day.
what a nice coincidence. Sometimes we find the world suddenly gets smaller. I am glad you can help her out. Maybe let her know she's not alone in the heart category.
Kind of like a "Pay it Forward" situation. Hope everything goes okay for her. Maybe we will see her here soon????

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