How good is your geography???

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hey, I got Level 1! it won't let me try it again. I took too long on San Juan but I know where it is - got all the others pretty well up to Russia..........
Hmmmm ..... 27 views in 5 hours and no comments or replies. :confused:

Possible reasons spring to mind. The site link isn't working on some machines; it works but people find it uninspiring and don't play; people play, reinforce the European view of USA foreign policy, i.e. neither knowing or caring where anywhere is outside of the States and so give up :p :p :D

Edit Sorry Anne, I posted not knowing you had replied :)
or maybe they are embarrassed? lots of folk these don't know where our states are.

I love games and will play this one some more. I love geography and surprise myself. Guess those long gone teachers got something in our heads and we didn't even realize it. Bless 'em......
OK, level 5 was my first try, this time. I have seen this before, but I love these kinds of games. I was lucky with some guesses honestly. Geography is not my best field of knowledge.
Bonzo Dog said:
Hmmmm ..... 27 views in 5 hours and no comments or replies. :confused:

Possible reasons spring to mind. The site link isn't working on some machines; it works but people find it uninspiring and don't play; people play, reinforce the European view of USA foreign policy, i.e. neither knowing or caring where anywhere is outside of the States and so give up :p :p :D...
Hi Bonzo - Another member here posted something similar a few or several months ago. It's no snobbery on my part that I didn't reply sooner... But I didn't do well then and I figured I wouldn't be any better now :rolleyes: .
Mary said:
Sorry, Bonzo, I saw this site about a year ago. Then we had one that dealt with state placement for the U.S.
Try this one!

:D Thanks for that Mary. California, Texas and Florida straight in with certainty, then the doubts begin. I0 out of 48 first time, pathetic improvement to 12/48 second time. :( I will persevere and aim for 30/48 by evening.
Level 4 on the World Map
34/48 on the states. I'm much better in the south (got all of them) than I am in the north. :cool:
Mary said:
Sorry, Bonzo, I saw this site about a year ago. Then we had one that dealt with state placement for the U.S.
Try this one!

This test is FLAWED.

It gave me a BIG X on a few states that were correctly placed, including BIG ones where there was NO problem getting the arrow within the state.

It is also TIMED. I got 34 / 48 on the first try, because I wasn't hurrying and I got several X's for properly placed states.

On my second try I got 46 / 48. It NEVER accepted Maine and South Dakota (and I KNOW the difference!).

'AL Capshaw'
ALCapshaw2 said:
This test is FLAWED.

It gave me a BIG X on a few states that were correctly placed, including BIG ones where there was NO problem getting the arrow within the state.

It is also TIMED. I got 34 / 48 on the first try, because I wasn't hurrying and I got several X's for properly placed states.

On my second try I got 46 / 48. It NEVER accepted Maine and South Dakota (and I KNOW the difference!).

'AL Capshaw'

I agree completely, Al.
I had the same problem with Maine, and a few times it didn't think Tennessee
was placed correctly.
However, I kept at it and played 4 times before getting them all done in the alloted amount of time.
Mary said:
I agree completely, Al.
I had the same problem with Maine, and a few times it didn't think Tennessee
was placed correctly.
However, I kept at it and played 4 times before getting them all done in the alloted amount of time.

It didn't let me drag California to its slot. That one should be easy to hit.
I did much better on the World geography game; that's not reflective of my true knowledge. Both games are fun.
Mary said:
Sorry, Bonzo, I saw this site about a year ago. Then we had one that dealt with state placement for the U.S.
Try this one!

Using my Saab mates as a small sample, you will see much variety in USA knowledge over here.

Lest anyone is puzzled by the use of septic when visiting the above thread, I should explain. Jeremy Clarkson a journalist and TV presenter over here, coined the term a few years ago. It is founded on Cockney rhyming slang. Yanks=Septic Tanks, then abreviated to plain Septics. The term soon slipped into common currency.