How funny!

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Jefferson City, Tennesse
Hey Everyone!

I haven't posted in a while...just lurking in the background. I am feeling better and better as time goes by. However I did want to share a funny thing that happened after my surgery in January.

My husband, sister and son kept an extensive notebook on what meds I was taking and when, how much I walked, when I peed, what various doctors said, etc. Well the good Lord saw fit for me to block most of my memory of the surgery and hard recroup out. I remember very little of my 12 day hospital stay after surgery. Anyway in cleaning my closet the other day I came across the "MEDICAL NOTEBOOK". I decided to see exactly what was in this mysterious book...WOW! I was very well documented by my family. Meds, nurses, hall walks, IV's, drain tubes, etc it was all there! Plus a few famous things I said to my doctors. I told my surgeon "I think I'll be all right with a beer and a cigarette!" (I don't drink or smoke?!) Told one of the nurses that I had just been hired for an infommercial. Not sure what I was selling but it was going like hotcakes. Ane the last one and best: I told my cardiologist I thought he could get my pacemaker at BIG LOTS. It wouldn't cost as much and if we kept new batteries in it, it would be fine! (I can just now appreciate the fine work of all those drugs!) LOL!:D

Those drugs can make us say amazing things, Jane!- Glad you are feeling better and good enough to enjoy the humor in it now.
Aren't you glad that enough time has elapsed that you can laugh at it all? Funny stuff!:)
That is too funny Jane.. My family kept the same logger of my OHS. They said I kept calling cats. (Well I dont have any cats) So whos knows who I was calling.Those drugs can make you do funny things. Thanks for sharing you made my memory laugh.... :):)
Just saw this -- hilarious! I remember when I came out of knee surgery, I kinda blinked back into consciousness and found myself babbling away to the poor nurse who was assigned to tend to me. No telling what I may have said. :eek::p
Too cute and funny,amazing the things we say under the influence

of hospital drugs for sure its a good thing our familys there with us:eek::D

zipper2 (DEB)

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