How do you feel when you wake up?

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We hired a new Sales Director at my company. On his opening remarks he read a motivational story. It was out of "Chicken soup for the work"

It was about attitude and how when we wake up we all have the power to choose how we want to feel for the day. So true.

However I wake up usually thinking I'm getting older and that's it. How sad. I really wish I could find the power to get back to the mental state I was BEFORE my surgery. I was fit and worked out, mentally strong. Now I just feel mentally a 4 speed car thats stuck in 3rd gear. I think it's due to lack of exercise but I'm scared to do anything strenuous with my chronic dissection.

Looking for some help to get mentally strong again!!!:D
We simply need to drop your transmission and replace the 3rd/4th gear synchro rings. You'll be good as new then! :D

I can wake up with all the motivation in the world, but it's quickly overcome with extreme fatigue because I plain don't sleep right.
Now that I don't have to get up for work my attitude has improved a tad, but with 30-odd yrs of chronic insomnia and this little glitch thrown in for a bit of additional fun, my first thought for the day was usually "Noooooooo!!! Please just shoot me!".

My morning shower, however, is always my saving grace and there's nothing quite like singing your favourite tunes (..followed by a blast of icy water..) to get you feeling somewhat motivated again! :)

Cheers (..from the goth-princess who dwells within.....)
Anna : )

I am a morning person and it is the best time of the day for me. However, as I await surgery, I find myself more and more tired, even when I wake up. There are many days now when I would love the luxury of sleeping in an extra hour; particularly on those nights when I toss and turn (which never happened to me before). I think that at least part of the sleeplessness is due to thinking of the surgery and recovery period, worrying about my family and my practice; - what will it be like afterward- will I be normal again, etc.

I do believe firmly though that everyone can exercise some control over their day and their life by being determined to have a good day from the beginning. At night, I am too tired to be very positive and I try to get to bed before the negative thinking sets in; but in the morning I am grateful for another day on earth and set aside a little time to watch the morning stars fade and the sun come up. There's something about being up and having coffee in hand before the sun wakes up that makes me feel like I have a head start on the day and on life.

Hope this helps.
My wife will tell you how down right nasty and miserable I can be in the morning, especially if I didn't sleep well the night before.

Once I get out of the shower (if I'm not rushed) I'm usually better.

I'm MUCH better in the mornings if I've got some place to be, like if I'm going to be working a day shift for the paper or have an appointment some where not neccesarily with a doctor.)

I prefer nights, if I could, I'd be up all night and sleep through until lunch, but that doesn't happen, hasn't happened in years.

I think getting to bed at a decent hour is important too, if you can get the sleep. We regularly get into bed after midnight and don't usually get to sleep until after 1am. I spend some time working on her back (she keeps bugging me about going in to be a massage or physical therapist) then we get to sleep. The kid wakes up pretty consistantly at about 7:30am. He usually got to bed about 9pm...

It's a lost cause.

I'll add one othe thing, I feel really good and ready to go after I've had my kung-fu class. I'm not doing all that much, but I go to class for 90 minutes then straight to work and I always seem to have an extra "spring" in my step... Kinda nice.

I gotta find more time to work on it at home though, might help bring up my energy at home too. Just don't seem to have the space or the "private time" to do anything significant.

I prefer hot showers. Only cold in the summer when it's wicked hot and humid.
Bill, we have another lawyer in the membership (Mara). She seems to be practicing right along as always. Maybe she'll drop in and letcha know how she's managing.

Mara - where are you? I know you check in a lot.......
I think when sleep is compromised, a person needs to take a hard look at the mattress they are sleeping on. It makes such a difference. Let me tell you!
We switched to the "Select Comfort" air mattress a few years ago, and what a difference!. I personally like a firm mattress and every few months I'll have to add some air to it because like car tires this mattress loses air. I sleep like a baby these days and not toss and turn like before. I kept waking up because of a pain somewhere in my back. I didn't feel good during the day because I always felt tired because of lack of sleep.
I haven't slept as well since we got our terrier 6 yrs ago, and she decided to become a watch dog at about 2 yrs old.
Probably 3-4 times a week she wakes me up, barking or growling at something she heard, be it phantom noises, or possums, raccoons, owls, the wind, and usually at 2 or 3 am.
Other than that, she is a great doggie.
Add that to the neck or back pain, impingement shoulder and hip pains that often awake me and I must say that most mornings I awake feeling like I could sleep for 2 more hours!
My temper pedic cervical pillow helps, but it's not a miracle worker.
I need to take motrin again, but I can't!! now that I'm on coumadin.
Life goes on with a little less sleep.
awakening mornings

awakening mornings

My Dad always awakened with "It's a great day to be alive." As a teenager, I was ready to shoot him each morning when he greeted me with that saying. Even in his later years, when Alzheimer's robbed him of much of his language, he would greet each day with "It's a great day to be alive."

As a retiree, I must say that I have my Dad's attitude -- each day is wonderful.
Before my MVR, I woke up thinking I must be getting old VERY VERY prematurely. There were days I was too tired to get up, and called in sick. Thought I was just being lazy. Then in mid- to late March 2003, I realized that @#%$ MVP had deteriorated. So I wasn't getting old VERY VERY prematurely.:D

Since the surgery, I've pretty much awakened with lots of energy. I feel much, much younger. Although, not like I did at age 10 when I'd spring out of bed, throw on clothes and go play. Playing and working are not the same ... :D :D :D :D

And now, I'm about to pack my Honda CRV to take 3 cats to a cat show in Alexandria LA -- 6, maybe 7 hours away. Taking off the day so I will enjoy myself and have FUN along the way.

Like Labguide's dad's saying, "It's a great day to be alive" -- and I'm going to enjoy being so today.... :)
I have always been a morning person.. but go to bed early. Not tonight..2 age 11 boys for the long Holiday Weekend.:p :p :p ..Many years ago when I lived in a very small town..made a comment one rainy morning to an elderly gentleman...I said. Nasty Day He looked up and said..Yup..but better than no day atall:D :D :D Bonnie
David, When I was in the waiting room and slowly getting worse, I was also pretty sick with all the new drugs. Getting up was a drag and I had little positive to look forward to. My exercise program was getting pared back day by day due to angina, and I could see I was getting worse, not better. Reason for my story ? Quite simple. When you get your dissection repair out of the way, then you are really on the way to recovery, and you can start to push yourself slowly, set some goals, and bounce out of bed ready to go after those goals. I hope this makes sense to you, and that you will keep us informed. I really beleive this and wish you the best and a very prompt surgery. Chris
Morning People vs Night People

Morning People vs Night People

There definitely seem to be "morning people" and "night people" and I read something interesting a while back about it having to do with what time of the day you were born. Generally those born before midday were "morning people" and vice versa.

Any thoughts....?

Anna : )

BTW - I am definitely a creature of the night and, yes, I was born well in to the PM.

Charles Swindoll writes that attitude is the only thing that individuals can really control. It is our response to the external forces that act on us. It's a bit of irony that we are often controlled by our attitute instead of controlling it. Here's a link. It's short, sweet, and to the point.

Here's my response:

Attitude and sleep are a chicken/egg cycle. You can't sleep cause you are worrried. You have a lousy attitude because you are tired. We want to turn the cycle around and make it work for us rather than against us. Where do you start? I have several suggestions. They have worked for me. Hope they can help you.

Prayer. God doesn't give us more than we can handle (with His help). Ask Him. Remember to thank Him for what you have. Count your blessings. View the glass as half-full. See the sky as partly sunny. View yourself as alive and kicking.

Brighten someone else's day. It doesn't have to be exotic. Let the other person go first at the stop sign, or at the grocery store. Give a warm smiling "hello" to someone that looks like they need a lift.

Do something for yourself. (Not another bowl of ice cream - I tried that for many years). The more active, constructive and out of your routine, the better. See a movie or concert. Clean up that mess that you are tired of having staring at you. Pull some weeds from the garden or lawn. Develop a hobby or craft. Do something that you enjoy and/or enjoy the results when you are done.

Exercise (as appropriate for your health). This is really "doing something nice for yourself", but is worthy of stating separately. It is not possible for me over-state what regular exercise has done for me over the last 6 months - body and spirit.
I appreciate all the positive comments. It helps. I think it really is a discipline to MAKE yourself stay positive. I am constantly looking for ways to improve and I think you all have helped!

I really liked the web link that 'hosacktom' gave us...anyone else have web or other resources that are motivational? I'd love to know!

Hi Dave

Hi Dave

Don't you have a young child? I have an age 11 year old Grandson..and I am age 63... He spent the last 2 nights with me. Brought a friend and I let them sleep in den..I was motivated to get up and check on them 2 times during the make sure they were warm enough, ect..... I got up early to do household I would be ready to boogy with them all day.:D :D Bowled this afternoon with them..:D :D I guess what I am trying to's nothing like a child to get you going......:D I wish I were 40 again and would be alive to see him..when he marries, has kids, ect..but I never think about that..I think about his basketball game this Thursday night..where I will be his biggest cheerleader..:) and I think about when I call him and he says..I love you Granbonny.. That is what motivates me. Don't need no book to tell me..when I have his sweet face.:) :) :) :) :) Bonnie
"I guess what I am trying to's nothing like a child to get you going" is for that very reason my surgeon did not order cardiac rehab. My daughter was 2 at the time. He said that was rehab in itself. Mentally and physcially.

He was correct. Shes a gift from God. Without her....things would be very dim in my life.


Kameron is what makes my world go around:) Dreading knowing he has to walk a block in the morning to catch school bus in 18 degree weather.:mad: Have called his house 3 times tonight telling him where his gloves, hat, ect. are. he says, worry too much about me:p His Dad has to leave an hour before I do worry.:mad: :mad: But..that gets me going..Will call him at 7 a.m. again:p :p Bonnie
boy I have strong feelings on this one

boy I have strong feelings on this one

I feel a little like algernon (sp?) the mouse from the book flowers for algernon. When I was young I was soooo ill felt like crap and thought that was normal. Slowly medicine advanced. I had problem corected and felt better all the time. At one point I began telling people I was growing younger every day. With each wound healing, putting down old baggage, I grew stronger. Untill this last surgery, the strokes. Leaving the workforce and going down to being on disability. It was a long way down. I have had a very full life as some of you know (two of you). Yet I smile because I have had a wounderful ride so far. Some day it will be intresting to see were it comes to rest.


Ps does anyone know if I misspelled the characters name? And who is the author I'd love to put it in my library.
Hi David,
You need to snap out of it brother. You have no choice but to go on. That being said go on with vigor and passion for what you have. One of the times that i was sick i was talking to a friend and we were talking about making the best out of it and he said "you have no choice". It kinda hit me right there and then that i am alive and want to stay that way so i better get my mind together and start dealing with life face on. So now i just deal with whatever faces me wether its a health thing a work thing or anything at all. Life is a series of challenges. Are you up to this challenge? Dig deep and i am sure you will discover that you are. Look at what you already accomplished and overcome. If you need anyone to talk to leave me a message and we can hook up. I am in Maryland also. I am also in the process of having OHS in the near future. Another challenge that i fully intend on facing and overcoming. Life is way too short to worry about. I wanna see what tomorrow brings. You never know, it might be awesome. :D