How can a big hug still hurt?

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Premium Level User
May 18, 2004
Not excrucitating pain, mind you....but a definite large twinge and scrunchy feeling!

I was at a college sports event because a local girl was here from her out of town college. Many parents showed up (with daughters same age) because we've all watched each others kids through the last decade or so. It's so fun because you see people you haven't run into in ages with whom you spent many, many hours, days, weekends, etc. through the years. Well, I got one hug from a woman who just is very strong and gives big hugs. Ouch!!! and she wasn't letting go!! Hey, I was glad she was glad to see me but I almost had to say,'s hurting a little.... Then after the game, all these long-armed strong young women (yes, and sweaty, but who cares, they're all so gorgeous and loving) were wrapping themselves around me (girls love everyone's moms :D ) and even those were making me wince abit.

Some of those people knew about my surgery. Many did not. I really only told a few dozen people since I just wasn't needing everyone to know (hey, I have YOU guys!) and word gets out.

Anyway, I was surprised that it hurt. I just assumed that healed meant healed!! I don't feel anything today. I'm fine. But, it did smart last night!!

Anyone else experience this? I would never want to tell someone they were hurting me when I got a hug! Hugs are too special to wreck them. And it obviously didn't harm me. Is this everyone's experience post surgery?

:) Marguerite

yes, hugs hurt me sometimes (16 yrs post op) I'm still a little touchy in my chest area. I dont think it will ever go away, I was just having some pain on the right side of my chest yesterday that was pretty bad. . .

hope this helps

You folks get your minds out of rut. Apply what I said toward your sternum you nut cases. You automatically assume if I posted it, it's porn and it's not always true, just mostly.
Hey guys....thanks a I'm LAUGHING so much it hurts!!

No,just kidding. That SUMO guy is very famous, Danny. Like the best wrestler ever, I think.

Morgan (okay, and Ross). Thank YOU for taking me seriously anyway!! I guess most of my aches have been from me using my own muscles, and therefore controlled. When someone comes up and gives you a big hug, it's kinda mushing things in the opposite direction. I'm fine if it lasts forever, as long as someone else out there is feeling it too!! Thank you!

the rest of you guys.................... :rolleyes:

The area around my incision is still tender, so hugs do hurt, as does carrying large items propped up against your chest. Essentially, it hurts wheneven theres pressure and skin stretches. I describe it as "feeling like they sewed me up too tight". By this time, I don't think it'll ever go away completely but I've gotten use to it.
It could also be a wire. I had a very tender spot on my sternum that hurt with hugs or when something leaned up against it. Exactly the spot where a 5-6 year old would lean their head when sitting in my lap. It finally dawned on me that it could be a wire, and sure enough, the surgeon looked at it, noted the slight bruising and bump, and instantly agreed. Solution - Remove wires!
Lisa, yes, could be wires, but I don't have wires. My sternum was sewn up with dacron thread.

Wayne, you and I definitely have a kindred experience with all this. Everytime you describe something, I think, yeh, that's exactly how I'm feeling it. With that in mind, I just wanted to remark that I am going to go in for acupuncture treatments for the scar in a few weeks. I may wait til after the holidays, but I may not. I will definitely keep you posted on that. My husband's acupuncturist thinks she can get that hypertrophying calmed down significantly, of course she hasn't seen me yet. I do think a lot of the overall discomfort comes from the the fact that the skin just isn't right yet....above or below the surface. Like the hypertrophied skin goes way below the surface too, and pulls because it just isn't healed correctly. It's like it is raw skin. I can actually see the pretty straight line through the ropey, shiny red bumps now. I know it's there!!!!!

Thanks for all the comments! I actually am sore if I lean over (like to pick something up off the floor), it aches. My son's birthday is next wednesday and I'm going to be hugging a whole bunch of 22 year old guys who are coming over after he gets off the train. Guess I'll load up on some Advil first!! :p
