RAIN, THANKS for the formal invite.
RAIN, THANKS for the formal invite.
Much to early to commit to Denver in '04. Perhaps my
wife and I could combine a vacation trip with the reunion.
Last year we went to Hawaii. We'll have to wait and see.
On the subject of the reunion. Let me run an idea by you
and the committe putting everything together.
From my many years of attending industry trade shows,
association conventions, society seminars and the like.
There is one commonality.
Almost all are held around a central theme or slogan
which reflects a goal or purpose to which the attendee's
can identify. This adds to the congeniality and fellowship
of the gathering.
Believe VR.COM 2004 reunion would ring out even better if
it had the theme of ............"KEEPING THE BEAT" or
I'm sure, others have even better suggestions.
What do you think?