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Does anyone have information on Loma Linda University Medical Center here in SoCal? This is where I will have my MV surgery done. I've always heard that it's one of the best heart hospitals in the world, but haven't seen it mentioned here. How about other hospitals in the So. Calif. area for valve surgery?
ALCapshaw2 said:
You can find Hospital ratings by procedure at and it is FREE. :)

'AL Capshaw'

Hi Al, I went to and checked out Loma Linda. They received an "as expected" rating in valve replacement which is not the best rating. In another area related to heart treatment, they received a "poor" rating. This has got me worried!! Should I be? Thanks.


Hjbiker said:
Hi Al, I went to and checked out Loma Linda. They received an "as expected" rating in valve replacement which is not the best rating. In another area related to heart treatment, they received a "poor" rating. This has got me worried!! Should I be? Thanks.
Imagine my surprise when I clicked on angioplasty/stent section and found an "as expected" also for the Cleveland Clinic (#1 rated heart hospital in the country!) Could it be that these hospitals handle the hardest, most complicated, worst prognosis cases? :confused:
I assume you have a cardiologist. Best to ask him which Surgeons and Hospitals he recommends.

Generally, the more surgeries they (surgeon 200/yr) the better they are. Many regional hospitals are very good at ByPass surgery but may have less experience and fewer (valve) options for valve patients.

When it comes to valve surgery or repeat surgeries, it is usually best to go to a MAJOR Heart Hospital. Start asking your doctors (PCP, cardiologist, other specialists, etc) where THEY would go.

Good Luck,

'AL Capshaw'
ALCapshaw2 said:
I assume you have a cardiologist. Best to ask him which Surgeons and Hospitals he recommends.

Generally, the more surgeries they (surgeon 200/yr) the better they are. Many regional hospitals are very good at ByPass surgery but may have less experience and fewer (valve) options for valve patients.

When it comes to valve surgery or repeat surgeries, it is usually best to go to a MAJOR Heart Hospital. Start asking your doctors (PCP, cardiologist, other specialists, etc) where THEY would go.

Good Luck,

'AL Capshaw'

My cardiologist recommended the hospital and the surgeon who will do the surgery. Since I belong to an HMO, she may not have had much of a choice though. However, I did another search on hospital ratings and Loma Linda was in the top 50 (44) in the country for heart surgeries. That eased my concerns a bit. Thanks again Al for you help.
Loma Linda

Loma Linda

This hospital is one of the top rated children's hospitals in the country, also when I was first diagnosed with MVP I wanted my surgery done there but because I am a VET it had to done at a VA Hosp. Loma Linda does minimally invasive open heart surgeries as far as I know. I hear nothing but excellent things about their cardiac surgery unit. I must admit tho a bias towards the VA system as I have had nothing but excellent care from them.
I'm surprised none of our California members have checked in. I know there are good Heart hospitals in/around both LA and SF.

Another thing you may want to do is simply ASK your surgeon how many similar procedures he has done and what is success rate is (i.e. Morbidity and Mortality rate). For first time surgeries in patients under age 60 that should be in the 98-99% range with experienced surgeons.

Yep, insurance and in-network requirements can definitely affect hospital choice!

Best wishes,

'AL Capshaw'

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