Hospital to start med

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2007
North Carolina
My cardio called me yesterday and offered for me to go into the hospital on the 14th to go on the Flecainide. I told him I needed to think about it. Up until yesterday, I have had a really good week heart rhythm wise and was thinking I could just stay on the Multaq. But of course, yesterday it had to start up again and tonight it has been the worst it has been since before I started the Multaq. It has been so bad that I told my husband I don't know how I have lived like this for the past 1.5 years. Just like surgery, I am afraid I may have a bad rhythm on this new med and I don't want to leave my kids orphans right before Christmas. I know the chances of this happening are very, very slim, but worrying about things like this is just what mothers do I think. Or at least this mom! Anyway, he told me that I didn't have to decide right now, I could let him know that day if I wanted to be admitted.

So sorry to hear that your heart is back to acting up Kimmie. I was so hoping for you that this drug would be the ONE! :(

I just want you to know that I'm praying & hoping for the best outcome!
Sorry to read this. I've read that a person needs to be hospitalized to begin that medication and I really feel for what you're going through. I had to be rehospitalized once for post-op A-fib, to begin a temporary regimen of Sotalol, and I really did not want to go back into the hospital to do it and dragged my feet over it for a week. If you begin the new med, will it be a permanent medication for you?
All the best and prayers for you Kim,im praying again this works
for you this time.
Hi Kim, Im so sorry to hear that your still going through this ordeal. As you know, I can empathise with you, having heart rhythm problems 24/7 myself. I just wondered if your keeping an eye on whether any foods you are eating could be causing 'some' of it. For example, hot foods (curry/spicy/chillie), msg, caffeine (chocolate, coke, coffee, tea), ready meals.... There are lots of foods that can cause people who are prone to heart rhythms to act up. I went to my cardiologist last week, and he spoke to me about this. He said he has had some patients who are having improvement when they stop eating 'bread'. Seemingly there are additives in bread that cause heart rhythm problems.

Anyway, I just thought I would pass it on, and hope that you can get some relief from this awful problem. It is draining. Best wishes and (((((HUGS)))))
Hi Kim, Im so sorry to hear that your still going through this ordeal. As you know, I can empathise with you, having heart rhythm problems 24/7 myself. I just wondered if your keeping an eye on whether any foods you are eating could be causing 'some' of it. For example, hot foods (curry/spicy/chillie), msg, caffeine (chocolate, coke, coffee, tea), ready meals.... There are lots of foods that can cause people who are prone to heart rhythms to act up. I went to my cardiologist last week, and he spoke to me about this. He said he has had some patients who are having improvement when they stop eating 'bread'. Seemingly there are additives in bread that cause heart rhythm problems.

Anyway, I just thought I would pass it on, and hope that you can get some relief from this awful problem. It is draining. Best wishes and (((((HUGS)))))

Jacqui, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me. I wish that my problem was as simple to only watch what I eat or take more magnesium or potasium or any of that. Unfortunately, what is causing my rhythm problems can't be solved by any of these things. My rhythm issue is a direct result of my surgery. Where they sewed my patch on over my asd is somehow irrating a part of my heart. The only thing that may help is trying to find a med that can suppress that part of my heart so it doesn't send off these random beats or at some point try another ablation to find it.

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