Horrible Loss

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SHerrin Hutt

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2002
Jeffersonville. In
I just got back from the furneral home. My oldest daughter classmate from grade- middle-High school. Committed suiside last wed. he was only 32. Just got divorced and had been taking care of his mother who had a stroke. His father had died several yrs. ago. It was his father second marriage and he had 5 older half sisters. He was a graphic web designer and a painter. It was so sad and a wast. No one seem to see this coming. I don't know what would do if one of my girls did something like this. It would be so hard to live with. So many feeling are coming out. Even after his mother had a stroke her memory wasn't the same, But she told my daughter she was his first love. He had sent her a dozen roses when she was 12 yrs. Keep me in your prayers.
I'm so sorry to hear about this tragedy. It's hard to fathom how deep his despair was that he felt that he should take his life. Of course, what it does to those left behind compounds the tragedy.
I'll keep you and all affected in my prayers.
Sherrin, hugs and prayers are coming your way. This is such a tragedy. I've been through this, loosing my father-in-law two years ago to suicide. He was the dad that I never had and I was the one that found him. I sincerely believe that someone that committs suicide has to be so severely mentally impaired that they just don't realize how much they are hurting the ones they leave behind. Dad had been so depressed and had been told some bad medical news. He just couldn't handle it and I know deep down he didn't want to be a burden to the reast of his family, so he just took life in his own hands.

Your daughter and the young man's family will also be in my prayers.
I am so sorry Sherrin

I am so sorry Sherrin

I am so very sorry to hear of you and your daughters loss, I hope that everyone will heal from this as quickly as possible and that you all are embraced in the love from the man upstairs. Take Care, and please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Harrybaby666 :D :( :D

You have my condolences.
We've had one suicide in my family (my favorite uncle) and a well-liked Sunday school class member also killed himself. Both had health problems (one an amputee; the other had lasting pain from a broken but healed back) that figured in.
I will keep you and the young man's family and friends in my prayers. I think it takes longer to work through grief and pain over a suicide than many other deaths.
Wow, Sherrin, I'm so sorry to you and to your daughter for that horrible loss.
My thoughts are with you and your family.
Of course I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts Sherrin. My family has also been through the aftermath of suicide (my step-brother) and it when it is someone young and healthy, it really is hard to come to grips with. It's hard to believe that these people can't see a light at the end of the tunnel and have lost faith that things WILL get better. I just hope those he has left behind don't blame themselves for his decision and can support each other during this difficult time.

Thanks everyone for your support.
Last night at a prayer sevice all his friends got up and told stories about what a great person he was. It was real nice hearing all the good & bad things he had done and the great memeories that were left behind. He was a great painter and they had displayed a picture he had done beside him. That was a part of his life I never saw.